A few tips for purchasing seeds for the extra cautious.

DISCLAIMER: This information will be available for "Educational Purposes ONLY" I assume no responsibility for what you do or do not do with this information.

I am no security expert by any means but I know a little about remaining anonymous online. Sure ordering seeds with your credit card might be fine for personal growers that don't have a loose tongue but for some of us things may slip. I wanted to contribute something to the forum so for everyone out there that would like to minimize risk would have an idea where to start. Ill help you cover your tracks a little better than ordering with your credit card and using a fake name shipped to your house. Everything you do online is logged. When I say everything I mean everything. The government is watching you, this is not a myth. They may not be spying on you now, but they have the information available if needed. If you have a facebook then your whole life is available. People use this to form new identities all the time, and why not? They have your likes, dislikes, pictures of you, your family and sometimes even your phone number. If you take pictures with your cell phone and upload them online then guess what, cellphones log the longitude and latitude where the photo was taken! Just right click a photo you've taken on a cell phone and select properties youll see gps location and the longitude and latitude the type of cell phone that was used all kinds of information. I'm no lawyer but If the police were tipped off and they did some digging into you before they swarm and you have photos floating around on the internet of your grow they would know for certain the location of your grow. Idk if this information could be used in court but why risk it? There are things you can do to remain a ghost.

First things first, your internet service provider has logs of every website you go to. They know what you've been downloading they know whats going on. Police can view these logs. I am not sure under what circumstances they could get a warrant but police could probably very easily bully someone into spilling your information. You should really think about using TOR. If you think using a proxy is enough... Well most proxies keep logs and logs are bad. Your information is anonymous when you connect to a tor circuit. Your traffic is bounced around a network of relays all over the world. This keeps people from seeing what sites your visiting and things your doing online hidden. It even keeps it hidden from your ISP. It also keeps people from learning your physical location because it is bounced through 3 or more servers with different encryptions and locations each hop. Your ISP can see that you connected to TOR but everything after that is unknown. TOR is not illegal in any country and in countries like Germany, backdoors are deliberately put into security programs. I suggest using TOR for your daily browsing it may be a little slower than your normal connection but hiding what your doing in case your doing something you shouldn't or researching things you shouldn't it will give you peace of mind also if making online purchases your cc information wouldn't be obtained by someone trying to watch your traffic.

Second you can use an anonymous vpn tunnel. Services are available all over but for you paranoid types I suggest somewhere overseas out of u.s. jurisdiction that does not keep logs;) I also suggest connecting to the vpn through TOR this is probably not needed but I'd rather leave an extra layer of nothing for them. Set up an anonymous email account. Hide my ass says they keep no logs but this is not true. Use another service google is your best friend.

Third Don't use your credit card, buy a disposable they are available all over in convenience stores I'm sure you can find one. Be sure you can use the card overseas because your not buying seeds in America! They can track where the card was purchased so keep that head down or have someone purchase the card for you or find a store with dummy cameras. Use fake information for the card. DO not use your social security number! Remember to use TOR and a VPN or a VPN and your anonymous email while setting this stuff up online. You will get a way to log in online and view your purchases. Set up a paypal account with the fake information you used for the card. Check the deposits to the card and you have an anonymous paypal and cc free to make purchases anonymously online as you please! You can probably figure out it would be best to buy your grow paraphernalia with it as well.

Fourth your address is a tough situation because this is where YOU live but if you followed my instructions then these purchases should be to a fuckin ghost! Any asshole could have ordered that shit to your address... am I right? or am I right? DENY TIL YOU DIE! or better yet be smart and use your right to remain silent after all this is America! This information may seem a bit extreme for some seeds but think of the big picture, one day those seeds are going to be grown into a magnificent thing of beauty meant to be enjoyed not destroyed, so cover your ass! I have heard that police being informed by an "anonymous" tip your growing. They can get your bank statements and all kinds of things,This should keep probable cause for a warrant if tipped off by someone just looking through your information alone. If none of these things were purchased in your name and they have no trail leading to you then how can they prove YOU ordered it?

P.S. Moderators if I am being out of line in this post please delete this post and not my username. I rather enjoy this site or I wouldn't have shared this information ;) If anyone would like to add to this. You are more than welcome.
It's a lot easier here in the UK. We just walk into a shop with cash and buy them.
Oh my god!! Who's there!! Someones at the door!! Oh! Its the mail man again delivering my seeds i just ordered from my computer for the 100th time.
Oh my god!! Who's there!! Someones at the door!! Oh! Its the mail man again delivering my seeds i just ordered from my computer for the 100th time.
For reals who does that paranoyd Shit lol as long as your legal I got nothing to fkn worry about hahaha
Oh my god!! Who's there!! Someones at the door!! Oh! Its the mail man again delivering my seeds i just ordered from my computer for the 100th time.
I agree with this. Some people are overly paranoid.While, if an American, all your activity othe internet is, in fact, recorded by the NSA in a monitoring station in Utah, its more for 'terrorism', pedophilia, and *gasp* digital piracy; and less for tracking people buying 10-50 pot seeds. Its also always important to remember that in these days where the American middle class and lower have seen their wages actually decrease when adjusted for inflation over the past 30 years, well I think you will find that the average American has never given less of a shit about their job. Frankly, i'd love to hear tell of some guy getting busted by a 'concerned' postal carrier or customs agent, instead of because of a clogged air filter or 'concerned' neighbors. Even if customs does take your seeds, they just send you a little note that basicallys says "gotcha....try again"
Even though all this data is collected and retrievable, Look at the numbers for a second, Ever thought about how many people are using cell phones, computers at one time? Most bust come after the athorities have been alerted to a situation. Then an investigation is done an evidence and witnesses collected. To justify the cost and man hours, the bust must be significant and sometimes newsworthy to create the illusion that the government has control. How many times have you seen on television or read online or the newspaper about an arrest being made because some individuals pack of cannabis seeds alerted the cops and they raided ther home to find the small closet grow op thats set up for personal use? It just does not happen that much. Most bust are the end result of greed or stupidity. Bottom line, no government can suppress the growth of a plant! All they are doing is creating a black market and helping keep crime high. Ever pay attention to whats happening on the boarder with these cartels? This is the result of the drug war.
a lot of disposable CCs block international sales.

if you REALLY want to bypass the ether, send a money order snail mail style and buy it with cash. just make sure you're using a reputable seedbank
You cant set up a pay pal acct with a fake name.....

Well its possible to do that, but its not easy to do, and also illegal.

Its also unnecessary. Lots of the reputable ceed-sellers will take cash, and send the ceeds to address "X" no questions asked. That's about as untraceable as its practical to get, I think. The weak link in the chain here isn't sending the funds, its having to be physically present to retrieve the package, I think.

My take on this is that security is good, but really, the Federal gov't has bigger fish to fry than to try and crack down on Joe Schmoe growing 6 cannabis plants in his basement.

And that's especially true when said growing is more or less legal in at least several states, and its triply true if Joe Schmoe actually has cancer or multiple sclerosis and is consuming said cannabis on his own property.

Yes, in theory the Federal Gov't "could" hit up your ISP, track every single site you've surfed to, find every piece of porn you've ever watched or downloaded, every illegal .mp3 or movie you've copied/downloaded, tell what sort of electronic equipment you're operating INSIDE your house with OUTSIDE monitoring of your electric power draw signature, listen to conversations in your home with lasers from across the street, track your exact location by your cell phone, tag your vehicles, go through all your emails and phone records, etc.

But with 300,000,000 Americans out there, unless you give them a pretty good reason to do this, its not going to happen, because bluntly, you're simply not important enough for them to waste their money and time over this. Not is it worth it for the gov't to reveal to the mass public that it even CAN do these things without a pretty good reason.

Unless you are a massive grower, on a commercial scale, you are **FAR** more likely to be caught and punished by LOCAL law enforcement, who do NOT enjoy the ability to do all the intrusive things I mentioned above, certainly not without probable cause and a signed warrant.

In practice, most growers who get busted do so for one of a few pretty common reasons:

-They don't keep the fact that they are growing secret, and get ratted out by a "friend", disgruntled lover, or other person (who may not even mean bad).

-They don't take basic precautions to conceal light leaks, and (more important!) smell.

-They run an unsafe grow site that catches fire, leaks water, or creates other outside attention.

-They sell their product, creating a trail of contacts that leads right back to them.

Yes, people have been busted by posting GPS-tagged pictures of their grow on the internet, but that falls pretty squarely into the "keep everything secret" category.
Even though all this data is collected and retrievable, Look at the numbers for a second, Ever thought about how many people are using cell phones, computers at one time? Most bust come after the athorities have been alerted to a situation. Then an investigation is done an evidence and witnesses collected. To justify the cost and man hours, the bust must be significant and sometimes newsworthy to create the illusion that the government has control. How many times have you seen on television or read online or the newspaper about an arrest being made because some individuals pack of cannabis seeds alerted the cops and they raided ther home to find the small closet grow op thats set up for personal use? It just does not happen that much. Most bust are the end result of greed or stupidity. Bottom line, no government can suppress the growth of a plant! All they are doing is creating a black market and helping keep crime high. Ever pay attention to whats happening on the boarder with these cartels? This is the result of the drug war.

I've had a municipal cop tell me off the record that his dept policy is that they don't care if people smoke pot on their own property or even grow it, so long its out of public view.

Their dept view on drugs is that they're after the sellers, or anyone providing it to kids, not to adult users.

But if they start hearing complaints, they'll investigate. And of course if they WANT to get you, for whatever reason, then they'll do so in any way that's expedient, with a "narcotics" bust for pot being a particularly easy one, if they can.
DON'T HAVE SEEDS SENT TO YOUR HOUSE. It's not worth it and can cause major problems down the line. Postman are nosey, postman are bored, postman talk too much.

My postman knew something was up when my track and trace package from sannies showed up. He was a new guy who I had only seen a couple of times. Well he gave me the third degree about my packgage. No need to ge into specifics but HE KNEW I was getting something I shouldn't have. He knew, I could tell by the tone he was using. The next day he was seen by a friend of mine eating lunch with my regular postman. Guess what? Now my regular postman who was always friendly gives my the cold shoulder.

Having seeds or any type of grow equipment/supplies sent to your home is dumb. The same thing happened with the ups guys. I had a bunch of packages and returns from htg come to my house. After the 4th trip in 18 days down the street to my house with an htg packagae I would think the guys would start to wonder what htg is. It only takes ten seconds on google for them to then see it's a hydro store. Basically the guys aren't stupid. They know you're getting grow supplies.
All in all if you want to be stealth don't have ANYTHING related to your hobby sent to your place of operation, period. I don't care if you have had seeds sent to your home a hundred times, it doesn't matter, you're only a stealthy as your last grow.
There is nothing wrong with covering your tracks because regardless of how insignificant you may be to your local or federal authorities, it NEVER hurts to have plausible deniability. The problem is less with someone figuring out what you're doing based on what is coming to your house and more with all the pieces that would add up to a warrant or at least harassment.

I'd recommend you also get a copy of Truecrypt and encrypt your system drive on the computer you use to browse, research and store anything related to any less-than-legal activity. At the very least, create a small encryption container and put your Tor browser and any other browser cache in that encryption container. If you were ever raided or coincidentally robbed, your browsing history and perhaps your grow logs won't accidentally get you pinned.
DON'T HAVE SEEDS SENT TO YOUR HOUSE. It's not worth it and can cause major problems down the line. Postman are nosey, postman are bored, postman talk too much.

My postman knew something was up when my track and trace package from sannies showed up. He was a new guy who I had only seen a couple of times. Well he gave me the third degree about my packgage. No need to ge into specifics but HE KNEW I was getting something I shouldn't have. He knew, I could tell by the tone he was using. The next day he was seen by a friend of mine eating lunch with my regular postman. Guess what? Now my regular postman who was always friendly gives my the cold shoulder.

Having seeds or any type of grow equipment/supplies sent to your home is dumb. The same thing happened with the ups guys. I had a bunch of packages and returns from htg come to my house. After the 4th trip in 18 days down the street to my house with an htg packagae I would think the guys would start to wonder what htg is. It only takes ten seconds on google for them to then see it's a hydro store. Basically the guys aren't stupid. They know you're getting grow supplies.
All in all if you want to be stealth don't have ANYTHING related to your hobby sent to your place of operation, period. I don't care if you have had seeds sent to your home a hundred times, it doesn't matter, you're only a stealthy as your last grow.

Meh, I get shit delivered to my house from Europe all the time. Books, clothes, music, I order tons o'shit online. In part so it doesn't seem weird when I get my seeds. Its just another cd or tshirt or whatever. I do, however, go to rather decent pains to never be seen moving in or out with obvious grow supplies. Of course, I also live in a state with mmj laws, so absolute worst case for me I have to spend some time with the cops going over paperwork. I am just curious, has any one even heard of someone getting for busted for ordering seeds? Every time some dumbass gets busted here, it seems like its because he got the cops called for beating his wife/kids/girlfriend. Or for trying to grow 400 plants outdoors in an urban area.
For reals who does that paranoyd Shit lol as long as your legal I got nothing to fkn worry about hahaha
No where in the US is it legal to buy, own, posses, sell,. transport cannabis or any part of cannabis, including seeds. Shipping seeds across international borders opens you to prosecution from state, local, federal, and international charges. You may think you're legal, but you're not.
Meh, I get shit delivered to my house from Europe all the time. Books, clothes, music, I order tons o'shit online. In part so it doesn't seem weird when I get my seeds. Its just another cd or tshirt or whatever. I do, however, go to rather decent pains to never be seen moving in or out with obvious grow supplies. Of course, I also live in a state with mmj laws, so absolute worst case for me I have to spend some time with the cops going over paperwork. I am just curious, has any one even heard of someone getting for busted for ordering seeds? Every time some dumbass gets busted here, it seems like its because he got the cops called for beating his wife/kids/girlfriend. Or for trying to grow 400 plants outdoors in an urban area.

You say you have stuff sent from Europe, but is it from the Netherlands? IMO There's a difference. The postal people are more suspicious of packages from the Netherlands.
You say you have stuff sent from europe, but is it from the netherlands? IMO There's a difference. The postal people are more suspicious of packages from there not just b/c of seeds, but b/c of a host of items that come from there.

Be ballsy man, "Don't worry, its not child porn, its just weed seeds."

Nah, I have no idea where you live, and I live in an MMJ state. But the very audacity of a postal carrier asking what your package was... I have never had that. And you know, if they give you that shit, most of the discreet packaging I have gotten I would comfortably open in front of a postal carrier. At least a little. Especially Sannie's. The outside is a little weird, but inside.....genius.

Oh! Or go full TMI on them and tell them its a vibrating penile restraint torture cage, and they will probably never asky you a question again.
He didn't ask me what it was, he just acted suspicious that I was getting someting from the Netherlands. He did so by asking me a bunch of stupid questions with an incriminating tone and basically by acting like an overall dick. You kind of had to be there but trust me he was annoying.