A few weeks until harvest and a problem has occurred


Active Member
5 days ago I defoliated my 2 plants and immediately noticed the leaves were extremely dark green. I changed my feed calculations and lowered my mega crop for the past couple waterings and now the leaves are lighter. However, yesterday I noticed a few burnt tips and now today the leaves are yellowing/rusty between the veins. I also began noticing this same plant turning purple in several spots within the past couple days but this could be from the 66-68 degree temps at night. My other plant, which is a different strain, looks perfect and has zero issues with the leaves and color. Any help would be appreciated.


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Looks to be Nitrogen toxicity. You've got some leaf clawing going on as well which is also a sign. You do have some weeks (I personally think more than a few)left so I'd slack way back on feeding or just go with plain water til she bounces back. Gl
Looks to be Nitrogen toxicity. You've got some leaf clawing going on as well which is also a sign. You do have some weeks (I personally think more than a few)left so I'd slack way back on feeding or just go with plain water til she bounces back. Gl
Awesome thanks for the help! Do you think it could also be related to a calcium issue possibly a lockout from feeding it too much bud explosion and sweet candy?
Awesome thanks for the help! Do you think it could also be related to a calcium issue possibly a lockout from feeding it too much bud explosion and sweet candy?
Like a calcium deficiency? I'm not familiar with bud explosion or sweet candy so I dont know their numbers. The leaf clawing screams Nitrogen tox to me though. I'd be very hesitant about adding any cal, calmax if you're thinking a cal def. I believe some calmax has N in it and I'm fairly confident in saying you absolutley dont want that right now.
I think youve overfed a bit and this strain cant handle it like the other.
I’m using gln sweet and gln be 2.0 along with mega crop. I also believe I have a nitrogen issue and that was a lot worse a few days ago so I lowered the mega but kept the bud explosion and sweet candy the same. The leaf color lightened up and most of the clawing went away but now I’m getting the burnt tips and yellowing. Someone in the nutrient forum said to watch my sweet candy and bud explosion because too much together could cause a calcium lockout. Also, I use a no nitrogen calmag with the mega, sweet and bud x so that’s what I would use if I have a deficiency issue.


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I wanted to stop by and say I was able to stop the issue. After almost a week of trying different things I ran across something on grow weed easy about wind burn and everything matched up. I wasn’t experiencing issues with nutes or lockout, my oscillating fan was too close to this plant and after adjusting it all the damaged leaves perked up and look a lot better. A few bigger fan leaves are still clawing a tiny bit and the burnt/rust spots won’t go away but I can tell bud development has taken off and the red stems I was experiencing on fan leaves are turning green. I wish I would have caught this earlier but now I know what to do in the future.