a flushing question


New Member
hey tokers week strain got a question im growing cheese in rock ebb and flo im six weeks in on a 7 to 8 strain and was wandering when should start flushing im using general hydro flora-series. any help or suggstions thanks for the help

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
It is true. Doing a roots on flush is like taking a dump with your pants up. Hey stranger stranger! There's lots of flushing threads and some are current. Maybe you should go read through some of those threads and maybe you might be able to get something from it that you just might be able to use.


Well-Known Member
Yeah flushings pointless. I stop feeding nutes the last 3 days but I dont bombard the roots with water or a "clearing agent" aka water with a little sugar sold for $50 a quart.

I do understand though why it can be hard to find the right info. Especially on a topic like flushing. For every dozen oldheads on here that know flushing is pointless theres an oldhead and a dozen zombie like trolls following their every whim agreeing that the bud they smoked from flushed weed tasted better/smoked better.