A fw questions plzz


there is like 3 things that I think could be rong with my plants eather high heat because there is no fan/ I'm growing in a cabnit. Second it can be over watering and third is underwatering. I'm growing in stiriphome cups and my plant is like streching twards the light and then the stem got vary skinny and then started falling over. My last plants did the same thing but they got to 5in before they did that and my one now is like 3in. Is there any recovery if there still green. Plzz help me find out what the problum is. And when the plants are that high is it bad to have constnt light on them or should I turn off the light for the night time?


Active Member
if a plant stretches it usually means that its reaching for the light. GET THE LIGHT CLOSER. if u are using cfl's within 3" from tops, if HPS, 10- 12" or until u can put ur hand on top of the plants and not get burned. GET A FAN IN THERE!! there needs to be air moving around. u need to do sum reading man..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
totally agree, on both points. you'll be inviting pets mould and poor growth without good ventilation. if it's in a cabinet/closet etc, who cares, you gotta get something rigged up :)

and agreed on the reading. if what you know singled it out to be heat, over or underwatering, then you've a lot to learn :)


Active Member
well you need some pics posted so we can try to help you, but from what i hear the light sounds like it is to high and your plant is trying to reach it but it is not strong so that it can hold itself up.... you do NEED a fan for fresh air. just sounds like a bad situation period, you might want to sit down read some learn some and rethink your grow and grow area..