A gas leak just almost got me busted

I have a gas safety check in a weeks time, if I'm not in they post a card rescheduling for in an extra few weeks I was then going to ignore that one also to buy me 7 weeks at which point my tent and everything would be packed and done with with all bud in curing jars.

Finished cooking today and started playing Xbox then smelt a horrible gas smell I ran to my oven, all dials were off but when I opened the door I got a massive lungful of gas I got really dizzy my vision went blury I picked my cats up and ran outside breathing in oxygen as deeply as I could until I could see my phone screen again.

I ran back in to turn the gas off at the main valve thinking dam, until the end of harvest I'm gonna have to go without gas but my oven still seemed to be leaking and I could hear the flats next doors baby screaming so at this point I had to accept the fact I was about to be busted to ensure nothing fatal was gonna happen to their child.

Phoned the emergency gas line and told next door to open all their windows I was hoping a Jamaican engineer was going to turn up when it was a white man my heart started racing because if he was to go into my last room I might have been about to go to prison (3rd strike)

He was in for about an hour checking everything my gas has been completely shut down now and I need to ring my housing association for a faster gas safety check to get it all back online

When he did his last check with his gas detecting rod it walked around putting it in every room the bedrooms so not just where the meter, boiler and oven are I stood in front of the last door ready to block him and he just walked into my kitchen to write the paperwork for me it was like his lazyness to check the last room was a blessing from god.

My country really needs to legalize this it could have been fatal for someone too scared to ring the gas company and my oven could have exploded if left for longer

I'm currently counting my blessings hoping the gas safety engineer is just going to work on the oven, gas boiler and meter without wanting to go around all the radiators (they usually dont) because I dont have a key to that room, the lock isn't removable to replace and I dont know how to picklock to lock it and say I dont know where the key for that room is

Everyone please stay safe and always consider every possibility, I've been robbed by gangs, snitched by spiteful ex girlfriends, fallen through my loft but never ever did I expect this. Be careful always because I know most of you are decent people who deserve to catch a break
Glad it worked out for you and everyone is safe.

Get electric appliances and cap that gas.

25-L, idk if Id fux around with that one on bedroom buds. I would feel real dumb as soon as I hit the holding tank getting ready for that bs that comes next.

Just be safe.
Blimey mate, taking it you in England by saying houseing assosiation, I’m in the same and had the gas wanted to fit a new smart meter, told em to fuck off and that I didn’t want one lmfao
Blimey mate, taking it you in England by saying houseing assosiation, I’m in the same and had the gas wanted to fit a new smart meter, told em to fuck off and that I didn’t want one lmfao

Lol same here!!! I was way too paranoid to have my meter that easy to track my wattage usage and having someone in my home so I'm still on the standard prepayment meters with a gas and electric key.

On your gas safety checks do they inspect the radiators ? None knows about my grow but I have one childhood friend who's a saint I could get him to come over and barricade the door from the inside to pretend its unacessable until the engineer fucks off?