a good ph meter


So I've had several pH pens, a cheepy eBay one and a checker by Hanna. I find that I am having to constantly calibrate them. I got tired of it so I find myself using the drops. Can anyone recommend a good unit that I won't have to calibrate every day?


Well-Known Member
I have had my wilwalkee sm802 for years with no problems and i may calibrate it every 6 months or so. The key is keeping tip wet using tap water.


Thanks for the input fellas, I'm going to get a nice one, just want to do some research before I pull the trigger.


Well-Known Member
Bluelab has a PH check setpoint. So if it becomes uncalibrated it will let you know. Theoretically. I haven't had mine long enough to tell. But my Hanna combo meter didn't need calibration often. I checked every few months, but most of the time it was on point still.

Calibrating is a breeze. You just stick it in the solution and hit calibrate and 7.0 pops up and you set it. BAM. No turning dials to get the right PH.