A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here goes, I've been toying with idea of doing a journal for a while now and i've decided to take the plunge.
my set up is a 100x100x180 budbox tent with a 600w hps, 125mm ruck extractor and a small carbon filter and a little desk fan. my last grow is drying in there atm.
I also have a small veg tent which is a dr40 with 2 18w cfls.
I'll be using bio bizz nutes.
And now for the really important part, the plants which are gonna be 6 of my best jack herer clones, i've got 9 to choose from. they are clones from my previous grow which was from seed.
I'm not claiming this to be anything special its just my attempt to grow my own, so I don't have to buy weed from the scumbags that only care about money and not about what they are selling you.



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be bending the plants over so that it encourages the lower branches to grow as big or bigger than the main stem, I tape one of the top fan leaves to the side of the pot so the main growing tip is lower than the bottom of the plant. I think its called low stress (LST). they are pretty flexible and I did the same on my last grow and it seemed to work ok.
any comments/tips or advice is more than welcome. Oscar..



Well-Known Member
hey oscar,how does your vegging go with the 2 cfls?...i got 2x20w cfl for vegging which put out 100w each


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. i hope i can do these plants justice. i'll do updates when i can, probably a couple of times a week, glad to have you herer, sorry i mean here..


Well-Known Member
the cfls seem to be ok, but i don't think they'll have enough power when the plants get a bit bigger. they're going under my hps as soon as the other is dry. what do you think of my selotape method?


Well-Known Member
hey. i like your setup. i've got a similar one. well did...i've since pulled it down as i wasn't comfortable with the noise and the high temps i was getting with the 600wHPS.

i know i couldn't use a 600w hps in summer with the room i have it in.

how do you go with managing temps in your box?

are your fans noisy? can you tell me more about your air cirulation?

if you don't mind me asking, are you growing in an apartment of a house ?

sorry for all the questions but your setup is similar to mine and i've resorted to just keeping my plants vegging under CFLs in my closet until i find a better place to grow.


Well-Known Member
cheers mate. i hope i can do these plants justice. i'll do updates when i can, probably a couple of times a week, glad to have you herer, sorry i mean here..
Haw Haw...you made a funny ;)
im hoping to veg mine to 10inches...you reckon they are good enough for that?...i've not read up much on lst'ing tbh so i dunno really how it works....if you did it last time though it must be good :)


Well-Known Member
i vent the heat directly out side and i dont have too much heat build up. as for during the summer months i'll have to let you know..


Well-Known Member
tbh i don't know either coz i've only had them for a couple of weeks. but so far so good but the leaves on the ww at the back are thinner than they were with the hps.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oscar, what's up man. Had to get 'scribed up here. I'm very interested with your grow style. It's almost the exact opposite of me and Krimez. We remove the bottom branches to encourage the tops to get massive while you try to get light to bottoms in order to strengthen them up into mini tops. I wish I had the space to do a proper experiment on which style yields more but I bet it depends a lot on strain anyway. I'm sure the 600 watt doesn't hurt LOL.


Well-Known Member
haha follow the light....600w is what i dream of :)
I'd try to to the experiment myself mared but i havent got the space either...It would be a pain in the arse to get them all at the same height also.This is why i'm doing the bagseeds now with uncle bens method,i wanna keep em all low(2-2 1/2ft) for maximum light penetration,with them being so small i s'pose it's useless promoting main cola growth and that is why i wanna promote the first 2 nodes into main colas,actually depending on how many females i get i might let 1 grow natural and prune it back for main cola growth but keep it at the same height so i can compare the 4 colas to 1 main cola...i know its not an exact science BUT it would give you a general idea of a 4-5ft plant and what would yeild most.....I think :roll:


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by mared. i'd like to try to do both styles but like you i don't have the room either. i didn't really do the bending thing with my ww (the stems were too thick) last time but i did top them so all the lower branches could catch up and that got me roughly 5oz a plant, possibly begginners luck.
i don't know what the jh's have yeilded yet, i'm only doing jh this time coz i don't think i could ever get bored of that=) not that i'm bored of ww..


Well-Known Member
I think i'm gonna repot 'em this week into their final pots, 12L buckets with loads of holes in the bottom and a few big handfuls of clay pebbles and shove 'em under my 600w hps. I'll stretch a couple of layers of netting across the tent to hold up the branches coz these plants have quite flimsy branches.
I know they don't look that good atm but last time they grew really fast so in two weeks or so there should be quite a difference.


Well-Known Member
cheers westy. is your first name Fred? ..lol

A couple of new pics from this morning. not much new. The last one is a comparison of my dodgy taping method and letting one go naturally. I've just realised i'm accidently doing that experiment, doh.. If i've got the room i'll let it go all the way.



Well-Known Member
what can i say Westy, I know my perverts..lol
I'd love a bit more room too but my Mrs wouldn't allow it, I've used all my brownie points to get what you see here.


Well-Known Member
Haha...You know your perverts :)
Man,i would love another proper grow chamber for vegging but my missus wouldn't have it either,She's a toker like me but she's been getting paranoid lately.I think its because of the size of the plants and that its getting near the end,I've told her theres no reason for the police to be sniffing round as we lead a quiet life and keep ourselves to ourselves.
Journals looking good oscar,how much height have you got?