A grow opp in Britan?

Mr Spock

Hey! I'm interested in growing outdoors, but ime a little skeptical on weather or not i can pull it off what with the British cliamate being what it is.. crap lol..

I have built an indoor grow box with room for a mother plant or two, and a few clones. My plan is to get the clones good an roots, then move them outside gradually, just in time for vegative season! The soil in my area is particularly clay-ridden, so i will be digging it all out and replacing it with a mix of potting soil, perlite and composted horse manure.

My two main queries are..

1-What kind of results can i expect growing in the British cliamate? (Taking in to consideration my patch gets plenty of sunlight and my plants WILL have good soil beneath them)

2-What sort of size hole would each of my plants need to grow big, strong and have a healthy root system? I was thinking somewhere between 2 and 3 feet cubed? (I know the bigger the better, but my soil is so packed full of clay, its REALLY, REALLY hard to dig lol)

Any help would be oppriciated, thanks guys!


Active Member
i have no clue about your weather so i cant awnser your first qestion but for the second one i would say a 3x3 hole will do .but as u said bigger is better ...(thats what she said to)lol