A handful of seeds


Well-Known Member
Time for a journal. I take enough pictures I could make a few if I remembered what I did. But for now we will start with seedlings planted right before full moon at spring exuinox, sounds about right.
Got 2 trays started that I will sex out and go straight outdoor in family co-op, eyes will be peeled for an outstanding male or 2.

Tray #1
All promised beans + a late addition from @farmerjoesauction, starting to look like a party!

1)Docs dank B11 tester
2)Docs dank C1 tester
3)Pistil Positive Creations- saucyballs
4)@Bdank.bishop TSG
Tropical sour grapefruit
5)@tomba222 mendobreath x black Concorde


1)Useful’s Apollo 11 f4
2)Doug’s Bash
3)Wedding cake f2 seedjunky regs
4)Zia’s Humboldt royal kush f4
5)Hazeman’s grape stomper

Let’s see what happens! 2019 Oregon outdoor!

So far from my winter hunt, I have docs dank seeds to thank for Slymeball #3

Bodhi for my love triangle #4

And Symbiotic for mimosa (not pictured)

Thanks and cheers
Fall 2019 handful
Strawberry cough x mimosa
Sour lime og x mimosa
Goji f2
GMO x blue bonnet
Archive sluricaine
About 3 weeks after transplant, removed males and underperforming females. All have shown preflowers now.

What’s left: 6 goji f2, 4 sour lime og x mimosa, 3 gmo x blue bonnet, 2 strawberry cough x mimosa, 1 archive sluricaine, and 2 goji f2 males I’ll keep somewhere else.

Swapped out the CMH for the DE HPS after culling almost half of them out, I’ll switch to flower in a few days.

Hopefully this is the last grow in my tent and I can build a section in my garage and utilize my 9’6” ceilings before next round.

So I’m about 16 days in flower and was cleaning upsome veg spaces and fired up the cloner. All the cuts are flowering as seen. This is my first time taking clones in flower but hopefully it works now that I have the space cleaned out for clones and seedlings. They were long and lanky lowers so I doubled them up. 1AAAB49C-C815-43A7-80B6-75B598EA6764.jpeg
A few of these are definitely standing out
Riot gmo x blue bonnet #2 is a candy blueberry gas monster
A few really frosty goji f2s, had one that threw lower balls though so that was a bit of a bummer
2 of the sour lime og x mimosa are chunky stinky frosty bitches
1 exceptional strawberry cough x mimosa
Still unsure of the archive sluricaine

Garden pics and the dead herm
Next round getting ready to go for outdoor. Grew a few of these in 2018 and they did well.
Coastal-dumpster x nl1
DVG- false teeth
Pistil positive- fofana
Dynasty huckleberry regen
Miller’s farm Jaeger
Damn! Show me how to grow beautiful flower like this
Patience, lots of valuable resources here on rollitup, more patience. I almost have the tent I’m growing in now dialed in for winter months but will be building a 5x10 room while indoor is down for the summer. Have way too many seeds and I keep making more. Need a flood table to do a bunch of 1 gallon pots.
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For some reason my dwc growing slow
Although your grow is exciting to you, please read guidelines at the top of the grow journals sub thread regarding posting in other people’s journals. It is common etiquette to
1) not openly ask other members for seeds
2) post in other people’s journals unless it is specifically open for comment. I appreciate anyonewilling to add, critique, ask questions or generally comment. All I ask is that comments are relevant to this grow in this journal.