A HuffPo piece on why Dems who are against war and for civil liberties should vote 4


New Member
From my blog: http://wp.me/p1DM1G-cY
A HuffPo piece on why Dems who are against war and for civil liberties should vote 4 Ron Paul, funny the same liberal media outlet that has attacked Ron Paul on many occasions including going as far as to label him a racist is now supporting him:

hufpost said:
After two years, however, we now see that Obama 1) conducts wars against countries that do not threaten us (e.g. Libya, Yemen etc.), 2) oversees large financial benefits to companies with which those in his administration were close (e.g. Goldman Sachs), 3) supports the legal framework for riding roughshod over the liberties of private individuals who are not suspected of crime (e.g. Patriot Act), and 4) is growing a massive federal apparatus to carry out such intrusions on innocent Americans in what is becoming a police state (e.g. domestic wiretapping, TSA etc.. )

Put another way, when it comes to such things as the killing of innocent people, taking from the common man to support cronies, and the elimination of the basic values that make our lives worth living, we had the hope, but we haven't had the change.

Just as in 2000, Bush hadn't shown his true colors, in 2008, Obama had not either. A vote for either in those years was fair enough. But in 2012, if you vote for the Democratic nominee for president, you better have a moral justification that is SO good that it is a) worth killing innocent people who don't threaten you, b) transferring wealth to the rich and well connected, and c) the complete suspension of your right to privacy and such basic rights as protecting your child from being touched by a government official with the full force of the law behind him as he just follows his orders.

Do I labor the point? Good.

I don't believe that such a justification exists. I'm having difficulty seeing how a Democrat who voted for Obama (whom I supported) for the right reasons in 2008 can in good conscience do so again given that there is another candidate who has been consistent in his opposition to all of these things -- not just in words but in deeds.

If you've read my other pieces, you already know who he is. But if not, you should also know that Ron Paul has voted to let states make their own laws on abortion, gay marriage etc. and to let individuals follow their own social conscience -- even when he disagrees with them (as I disagree with him on some of these issues). In other words, he is consistent in his beliefs in civil liberty....

Again, this isn't an endorsement of the Republican party or a claim that the Republican record is better than the Democrat on any of the issues discussed in this article. (It isn't.) It is not even a statement that Dr. Paul is some kind of panacea of American politics. Rather, it is to recognize simply that the one potential Presidential candidate who wishes to stop killing innocent people in foreign wars and stop transferring the wealth of poor and working Americans to the corporate elites happens to be -- this time around -- a Republican."

More: http://freedomftw.net/2011/07/if-you-love-peace-become-a-blue-republican-just-for-a-year/

I feel this article best explains one aspect of why I as a democrat support Ron Paul, the most honest person of all the candidates with the highest integrity.


Well-Known Member
Also Ron Paul has a consistant voteing record on these topics.
Even if you don't agree with his stance on this or that he has proven consistancy and belief in the constitution.
It breaks my heart seeing people cought up in the Left/Right BS when there is no real diffrence.
If your anything beyond Hillary Clinton to Mitt Romney your a Wacko??
What real diffrence is there?
One party system anyone?