A little help if possible...7 weeks into flowering *pics*

Im currently 7 weeks into flowering and my girl isn't lookin so hot. I'm growing in a 3' x 3' hydro hut with a 600 hps. I have a 6" vortec fan for exhaust and a smaller 176 cfm intake fan bringing in cool air from an ac unit. My humidity is between 35-45% and my temp has been between 70 (night) and 85 (day). Over the last few weeks there have been a couple days where it got up to 87-89. It was 107 outside. She is in an ebb and flow tray in rockwool and is watered 4 times a day for about 10 minutes each time. Lots of air circulation and lots of buds as you can see. I'm using foxfarm nutrients and sticking to their hydro feeding schedule. The leaves started looking not so hot a couple weeks ago. I did a flsuh for a few days and went a little lower on the nutrients and now i have this. I have been using tap water, and found out today my tap has 365 ppm to start with. Never took that into account during this crop. Not sure if that makes a difference. Foxfarm says the ppm should be 1540-1680 i have had it at 1550. I added more nutrients today to compensate for the ppms already in the water. I will be using RO water in my next crop. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of heat stress. I would try to lower your ppms quiet a bit to compensate for the amount of water those suckers are going to go through. Id aim for around 1000ppm. Whats your ph?