a little help?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals say a plant is perfect in every way..very healthy looking. .No leaf drop now discoloration. .No necrosis..buds are growing awesome..buuuuut it has curled leaf..
The plant is in a five gallon bucket..in promix with casting and guano. .under six hundo hps.
Anyway what Im.wondering.is does this have to mean defficiency? or can it just be genetic...
She's forty or so days into flower..its a haze x kush. .But not 100%..its definitely saliva dominant.


Active Member
Hey guys and gals say a plant is perfect in every way..very healthy looking. .No leaf drop now discoloration. .No necrosis..buds are growing awesome..
You mean like this?

buuuuut it has curled leaf..
The plant is in a five gallon bucket..in promix with casting and guano. .under six hundo hps.
Anyway what Im.wondering.is does this have to mean defficiency? or can it just be genetic...
She's forty or so days into flower..its a haze x kush. .But not 100%..its definitely saliva dominant.
I'm guessing the curled leaf is new growth? I'm no expert, but I do think it's a slight immobile micronutrient deficiency. I've got the same thing going on in my grow right now but I'm not worried about it. I've smoked worse :-P


Well-Known Member
For some.reason my phones having.trouble posting.pics..they are more.curled than.that..the blades are a lot thinner too..if i flick it up by running.my.finger under it..the blade will curve strait up..its definitely not heat stress. .Its a five by five with a 300 cfm fan and filter..anyway it stays a solid 75 lights on 65 to 70 at nite...important not even sure if a 300 cfm fan is enough for the room but its working so far...important gonna see if i can post a picture


Well-Known Member
I have heard it said that if the leaves are curled up like hands praying that the plant is praying for Potasium? I could be wrong on that but I think it was potasium or phosphorous. May jog someones memory who can answer with more authority. But in any case it is a deficiency of some sort. I'm sure of that.


Well-Known Member
The curl isn't sticking to one part..some up top are curled some in the middle and some.down below. ..It drives me crazy that i can't get a photo uploaded..overtime i go to upload the thing with the file disappears the moment i touch it...or important not able to drag em into the spot to upload even if the file does show...wtf. .Important not good with tech at all


Well-Known Member
Lol...i guess my problem just got worse...powers out and they're saying days. .....Day forty five. ....Time to chop? Or is a couple days in the dark ok?