A little info to all on Fox Farm Ocean Organics soil


Active Member
I did a flush with one of my plants last night to see where the PH of the soil was, No nutes were ever introduced to the soil and I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Organics. Using PH of 7.0 water for the flush and run off was 5.5 PH. I adjusted my water to 6.8 ph for watering to bring up the PH of the soil to 6.2 PH. Just some info to all that want to use this soil as it seems a little hot to me.:-(


Active Member
It's been doing great for me lol im using 100% ffof with no perlite mix.

No nutes day 33 from putting seed into soil (auto)

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The burnt spots on the second plant was from where my lights dropped on it, its been recovering well seeing as it looked like this a week and a half ago (the day the lights fell):
0129 (5).jpg

But fox farms soil is great for noobs who dont wanna PH their water and dont wanna add nutes from seed to harvest lol.


Active Member
Yeah it's weird, I'm pretty sure FFOF is supposed to be 6.3 ph, or around that range. I did a test on my soil when i first got it and it said 6.6 but my soil tester is those cheapass capsule things you mix in with the soil and water, so it's hard telling.