A lot of Questions


Active Member
Since my plants went through a lot of stress early on, will the amount of stree effect the quality or quantity of yield?

One plant is starting to grow back, its about 5 inches tall while another the same age is 3 feet tall. Should i just through it out. It won't yield in time before the frost. I also have a plant outside that is growing but again it will probably be killed before it even startes to pruduce buds. If they plants were killed by the cold before they matured would they grow back next spring?

What are the best plants to grow outside with marijuana? I heard marigolds are good to get rid of pests, is this true?

I am afraid my plants won't be ready in time before the first frost, what can i do? I know digging them up will prolly kill them.

Another question, inside i have a couple of plants but they are infested with little white bugs, and the bugs are spreading all over the room into other plants etc. how can i get rid of these soil dwelling pests?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my plant got weather stunted (damn you, Seattle) when it was a wee sprout. It's a little small, but it's growing pretty well now. I doubt it'll have a great yield. But I don't know for sure. Plants are whacky.


Active Member
hey man, its the light change that puts em into bud unless they've bin bred to time and either way you'll still get the yield form your small one at the same time as the big one, so dont go pullin em outta the ground cause thats just a waste


Active Member
I am not going to be pulling them out of the ground. And i know the light scheldule pulls them out of veg. and puts them into flowering. But don't they need to reach a certain maturity in respect to size and strenght, number of leaves etc.?

But should i even bother taking care of the small plants because the stress they have been through either made them into males or will make some low grade harsh smoke?

Another question; I got a clone from a friend because all my plants turned out to be males ( im guessing because of the stress) And this clone is a bush while my others are tall, and the clone has 3 leafed fan leaves while my other plant has 5,7 or 9 leafed fan leaves. Whats the deal?!

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Active Member
My plants are outside and really starting to smell. They are pretty tall as well. Is there anyway i could mask or get rid of the smell? As well as stop their verticle growth. My neighbours are pretty close and our whole property smells!!! :cry: I don't want to cut them down but it looks like i might have to. :cry: The biggest is 6-7 feet tall.

Please help!!

Also i would like to induce flowering because i don't want them to get killed by the frost!


Well-Known Member
so im guessing you are growing sativa if its already smelling that bad.
do you already see preflowers?
if you want to force flowering you will have to pull them out of the ground and into a pot. or you can just wait until mid aug.
i say just wait..
and what do you mean my frost?
its summer time mayn!


Well-Known Member
ay dude you got like 2 ta 3 months depending on location take a few pics and watch them amaze you with there power lol no for real just chill oh you could use a few tarps to induce flowering but man its a lot of work dont let it touch the plants and youll be fine if you had pics that would be sweet