A (nearly) successful soil grow under my belt, looking to go 'dro

So, my first grow came so far, only to die very late:

After a year of mourning, I'm ready to give it another shot. I think hydro is the way to go for speed mainly, and also because I had some bug issues that I think the soil encouraged, and because soil made that grow less stealth than I would've liked in the start-up and shut-down phases (tough to be secretive lugging that stuff around).

OK, enough prelude.

Is there a sort of "for dummies" guide out there? I ask because I don't want to ask the same old tired questions, but most threads I read in here were over my head, using terminology with which I'm unfamiliar. I've been through the Todd McCormick guide, but it wasn't that useful to me because I'm planning on going one crop at a time, no SOG. SCROG interests me, but I'm probably going to go with Serious Seeds Chronic (looks resilient and easy, and reviews say it's not too stinky) which grows that one big cola, so this probably isn't the grow to try that technique.

So...could somebody point me to a good resource to get started in the land of 'dro?


Well-Known Member
Yes Mr. Green is the roots of where i learned how to grow hydro I have never grown in soil and never had a crop fail (im on grow 30 :weed: ). here is one of his videos on youtube. its one of a 9 part series. this should at least point you in the right direction.
Yea, I watched the whole thing on Google Video last night after poking around YouTube a bit, and after browsing hydro journals over the years, I was wondering how contemporary his methods are. One thing that jumped out at me is that he uses a fine, gravelly growing medium in flowering, whereas many photos I've seen appear to use some sort of larger, spherical stones (if that is what they are). I've also seen one or two, I think, where the roots looked like they were just growing inside of a plastic bag...