This is how I started, exactly. I found a strain that fit my criteria. It had to stay short, I didn't want it to reek up the place so I picked a low oder strain, and I wanted it to be mucho buzzo. I picked amnesia lemon and aurora indica, they both worked great. I'm still stelth growing but I got more room now. When I started, I found an entertainment cabinet in the trash and put cabinet locks on the doors, ran a few wires and boom, stelth cab. I still got it and could take som pics if you need help. There are so many, low oder and sweet smelling strains available, theres no reason not to grow. I grew a plant to maturity using 1 cfl bulb for vegging and one cfl for flowering, as an experiment, got about a quarter. pretty cool. as soon as I put my plants into flower, I mark my calender, then I go forward and mark it two months in advance. For my strains it takes two months to finnish ,so I know thell finnish around that day, and they do. Let me tell you this now. start a plant now. thats how you learn, and you learn fast without trying. If you pm me, I made some apollo11 seeds and some apollo-aurora cross seeds. Get goin,lol