a noobs ability

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
Thanks to the helpful and ones needing help; by searching and finding others with my similar problems i was able to modify, manipulate and create my own box and grow that was suitable for me. first up im using a homemade bubbleponics from a 5 gal bucket a 20 gal air pump w/ bubble disk and a 2" thick styrafoam shaped to fit for 2 plants... so i thought. in pic 4 i have a 50cfm bathroom exhaust fan @ bottom rear blowin up through the canopy and also minor exchange from blue room to red room( i forgot to mention i put up some red/blue filtering over select areas of the mylar) through a light proof wall/duct made from wood frameing and black garbage bags. the red/flowering room has a 80 cfm exhaust no external intake yet winters acommin blue room no exhuast yet for same reason, will put up a canopy door w/ velcro like the red room soon and has the intake fan on a timer 1/2hr on 1/2hr off w/ just a exhust port for now waiting to see how it gets this season.

im heading to school now so ill get back in a few hrs. thanks again!

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
yeah every thing is swell soo far had a few bumps but ive been keepin up on the post so its been helping alot. only have one problem, i have fungus gnats in my soil grow, heavily! i cant catch em' all like pokemon - no im not a child - but i need a solution to this, ive seen a post about using the mosquito larva killer that they use to drop in bird baths. the post stated that he watered the plant with the solution and it didnt affect the plant and it also cleared the prob up in two waterings. im just looking for confirmation due to the fact that it was the only post i found that mentioned this technique.


Well-Known Member
Use some h202 (hydrogen peroxide) in your water if you are not using organic nutes. It will kill all the larva and bugs and also add oxygen to your roots! WOOT! Just make sure you can use it with your nutes, some organic nutes you can still use it with but most you cannot. I have the 30% stuff from the hydro store called grotek h202, you can use the 3% stuff at Walgreen's and the like but it isn't as good for that plants because it has some bad stuff in it.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
if i use the 3% h202 what is the mix ratio and also how long does it take cause i did it yesterday evening and today it seemed like they that shit gave em some heart. now they flying around lookin like ww2 fighters, luckly i got it quarintined cause its on flower for just that reason, it gotta go!