A proposed Challenge To Atheists

Hello fellow brothers'

i would like to take the time and propose to you a very simple challenge.

This will only apply to those on here bashing religious beliefs and complaining on RIU about how us religious people on RIU are doing the world bad!

The challenge;

I would like to see you guys go into the middle east with a camera for documentation purposes and take your stupid dumbass "religion is bad, it kills people and stop trying to shove it in our ears, your religion is false and your God is a douchebag" bullshit and tell al queda or mushadin, or taliban and tell them the same things you say on here with the same demeanor and smuck attitude that you give us religious people here on RIU...

I doubt it that none of you will even attempt it because you know you will get tortured and killed on the spot.

SO quit your whining on here ok..
Quote ftw ^