A Québeker faces 29h34m29.6s of imprisonment for each plant (tot: 247) destined to ease his chronic pain.


Well-Known Member
Appel refusé pour un producteur de cannabis de Granby (2021-Feb-15)

Too bad it appears this guy was stealing electricity while getting noticed for constant fog in his opaque windows, during winter - plus the smell...

Just a bet: maybe he also happens to reside in a "smart meter" surrounding where even leaks won't go unnoticed, which is one of the main benefits behind this technology to begin with. In other words Hydro-Québec is glad to serve i'd say.
Stupid for sure but posing as a victim, euh... I dunno, keeping in mind editorialists are quick to drop a few details. For exemple, was it only THC alone or wasn't there at least some mix of THC/CBD, and if so what sort of range - which leads me to the next question, how much concentrates per day would this really support? Then the unavoidable cornerstone: it's cost at the SQdC, which so far has kept going in the opposite direction relative to the customer's own benefit... Consequently, i wouldn't be surprized although this won't justify stealing it may still provide hint that it's just too costly and even more when the guy is reluctant to release his identity as legal support, in exchange for being abused by the state by more ways than one. I mean, if that's actually a cruel treatment would the paper report it accurately enough to call it that? Got to wonder again.

Ultimately one could ask if that still occurs in more relaxed provinces anyway. I figured not some long time ago, but i don't require 3.5 g of CBD concentrates each day. And the way it went in Québec it's better not dream of it or win loto.


P.S.: Mass-media loves to describe "medical" mari-caca as being about getting too stone to feel pain (welcome to the victorian age when dentistry discovered "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L.", identified as such in the (2nd) Geneva Opium Convention of February 19, 1925). Then there's long-term effects acting on the cause rather than just masking pain alone.​
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Stupid for sure but posing as a victim, euh... I dunno, keeping in mind editorialists are quick to drop a few details. For exemple, was it only THC alone or wasn't there at least some mix of THC/CBD, and if so what sort of range - which leads me to the next question, how much concentrates per day would this really support?
250 plants...... Way more concentrates than a single person could consume in a year.
Although with the meth/cocaine boost i bet he could personally consume way more than i
We had a similar case here a year or so back. Dude gets caught growing 500 plants on a block of land, with a shed full of cold and flu meds and amphetamine.

Pulled the "I'm trying to help my sick daughter who needs medication" and the media pandered to the victim mentality. You don't need 500 plants and a shed full of cold and flu tablets to treat a mild inflammatory disorder.

The real issue was that he already applied and was granted for a licence to produce enough to treat his daughters condition but decided to make a commercial operation out of it while obviously making other illicit substances at the same time.

No sympathy in these cases from me. Using your sick family as an excuse to run a drug op is a cop-out and in my eyes is taking advantage of your families illness for personal gain.
Although with the meth/cocaine boost i bet he could personally consume way more than i

Well, lets admit it's quite another example of getting dumb, if i may say so, considering i've only got a title and some short editorial to refer to.

The presence of weapons would most likely constitute an agravating factor, at least in the eye of armed "peace-keeping" forces and hence some fair portion of society behind them IMO.

The real issue... ...decided to make a commercial operation out of it...

Is 247 plants really this much for a talented gardener trying to produce seeds of his own genetic selection, adapted to his own needs? And if there's indeed CBD involved as i suggested previously, then what's all the fuss relatively to something which the joint mid-December 2017 declaration of the WHO & UN stated CBD as "safe" as salad, for all practical purposes. Yet it's not selling in grocery stores (for a failure of removing it from "the schedule") and the only "legal" CBD i've noticed on SQdC's web site recently happened to be even 3 $/g more than THC-centric mari-caca already, euh... So if you're poor it's no excuse but no surprise neither to be tempted by electricity stealing, while perfects strangers on the net bragg around explaining it's safe as long as you pay your bills, neglecting to highlight a simple consequence of data mining: the records stay.

All i know is i got no certainties as other people may have and i'll bet mass-mediatic editorialists invest/speculate/gamble on that. Years will pass before we get the whole complete facts anyway!

What i also know is that i'll rather plead in favour of a person's sacred right to indignation than that of those trying to silence it...

If this is a real victim described as a criminal i want to be sure sure before i start clapping my hands in admiration. If he's actually the crook you both seem to describe, euh... Hard to defend the absurd, just lets wait for the proofs to add up, then i shall feel convinced. In the meantime nothing wrong with exploring multiple scenarios, though i keep a marking memory of Radio-Canada re-using one imported photograph of Halloween juxtaposed in a different context as if its own, for example. That's not even a 1st with our public/private medias; failure to explain who exactly was Hilary Geller and the role she played at UNGASS 2016 is a blatant sample of information formating if you ask me, etc. So my trust in such compromised public institutions ain't automatic, far from it. But i get your points relative to the "entourage effect", aHummm... Not too bright indeed.

And that's shaming the rest of us day after day via international "yellow papers" thriving on anti-cannabic bigotry, just try "France Cannabis" on Google or YT if you dare!!

Idem for "pen" format consumption methods flooding the market while politicians & friends "fear" for children, using them as a taboo-shield again. In view of all the oddities occuring lately i'd be most surprized if selfie-boy ain't tempted to tweak our self-expression freedom soon, once more...

Stay tuned!

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Well, lets admit it's quite another example of getting dumb, if i may say so, considering i've only got a title and some short editorial to refer to.

The presence of weapons would most likely constitute an agravating factor, at least in the eye of armed "peace-keeping" forces and hence some fair portion of society behind them IMO.

Is 247 plants really this much for a talented gardener trying to produce seeds of his own genetic selection, adapted to his own needs? And if there's indeed CBD involved as i suggested previously, then what's all the fuss relatively to something which the joint mid-December 2017 declaration of the WHO & UN stated CBD as "safe" as salad, for all practical purposes. Yet it's not selling in grocery stores (for a failure of removing it from "the schedule") and the only "legal" CBD i've noticed on SQdC's web site recently happened to be even 3 $/g more than THC-centric mari-caca already, euh... So if you're poor it's no excuse but no surprise neither to be tempted by electricity stealing, while perfects strangers on the net bragg around explaining it's safe as long as you pay your bills, neglecting to highlight a simple consequence of data mining: the records stay.

All i know is i got no certainties as other people may have and i'll bet mass-mediatic editorialists invest/speculate/gamble on that. Years will pass before we get the whole complete facts anyway!

What i also know is that i'll rather plead in favour of a person's sacred right to indignation than that of those trying to silence it...

If this is a real victim described as a criminal i want to be sure sure before i start clapping my hands in admiration. If he's actually the crook you both seem to describe, euh... Hard to defend the absurd, just lets wait for the proofs to add up, then i shall feel convinced. In the meantime nothing wrong with exploring multiple scenarios, though i keep a marking memory of Radio-Canada re-using one imported photograph of Halloween juxtaposed in a different context as if its own, for example. That's not even a 1st with our public/private medias; failure to explain who exactly was Hilary Geller and the role she played at UNGASS 2016 is a blatant sample of information formating if you ask me, etc. So my trust in such compromised public institutions ain't automatic, far from it. But i get your points relative to the "entourage effect", aHummm... Not too bright indeed.

And that's shaming the rest of us day after day via international "yellow papers" thriving on anti-cannabic bigotry, just try "France Cannabis" on Google or YT if you dare!!

Idem for "pen" format consumption methods flooding the market while politicians & friends "fear" for children, using them as a taboo-shield again. In view of all the oddities occuring lately i'd be most surprized if selfie-boy ain't tempted to tweak our self-expression freedom soon, once more...

Stay tuned!

You seem to be focusing on plants and ignoring cocaine, meth and stolen electricity. I don't really care about the plants, he could have grown them without stealing electricity and smoking meth.

Scapegoat all you want. Dude fucked up. No sympathy from me. I'm illegally growing too, but I'm not harbouring meth and stealing electricity while using my illness (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory heart issues) as a scapegoat.
Well, lets admit it's quite another example of getting dumb, if i may say so, considering i've only got a title and some short editorial to refer to.

The presence of weapons would most likely constitute an agravating factor, at least in the eye of armed "peace-keeping" forces and hence some fair portion of society behind them IMO.
You should move to the politics forum with that kind of nonsense .
Hummm... The usual YouYouMi tactics are quick to distort everything that was clearly written already.

Suit yourselves.