A Question About Air-Cooled Lights. +Rep For Answer.


I am putting the finishing touches on my grow room and I have a quick question about air-cooled lights. Do you want the air to flow in from the side with the socket and out the other end, or vice a versa, or does it not matter. Do I want the air to flow like in crude drawing 1, or crude drawing 2?

+Rep to anyone who answers my noob question. Thanks in advance ladies and gents.


New Member
If I was to put any theory behind one way being better than the other, I would say the fresh , cooler air to first hit the hottest portion of the bulb first. The ceramic base can handle the heat on its own more so than the element, So # 2 would seem more feasible. IMO


Well-Known Member
My light is set up for the air to come in in back of the light bulb. Based on the design, it's the path of least resistance.