A question about the different styles of hydroponics


Active Member
Ok, so I've done a bit of design time, and I'm sketching down my ideal way of growing(perpetual harvest of course :P).

I'm currently growing in soil... And it dawned on me, I know nothing of Hydroponics and lugging a shed load of dirt upstairs every other week isnt floating my boat. Plus after a few harvests, where the hell am I gonna put it all?!

So, I'm wondering on the off chance, a hydroponic system - silent, no power consumption, minimum maintenance (apart from adding/swapping water - daily is Ok.

Does it exist?

Does something even close exist?

Thanks in advance,



Active Member
The main thing it has to be is silent, Its a closet next to my bed afterall.

And power consumption has to be minimal (if none at all) and the power consumption is there to minimize maintenance.


Active Member
How is the plant stabilised in a drip system?

I think the most needed requirement, now I've checked some systems over, is reuasble materials. (I'm a lazy bastard).