A question about the dreaded "Hermie"


Well-Known Member
I find my self in the unique position of actually wanting to get a male or at least a hermie. All the seed I have is apparently the result of hermie fertilization, since I have yet to get a male. Since I am on my last seeds from this line, I'd like to get a bunch more to keep this line going.

As I identify my females, do I need to keep checking for balls through out the grow? And will they hermie on just 1 branch, or the entire plant?
I have 10 that are showing definite female pre-flowers. Am I outta the woods with them as long as I don't stress them?
Hermies can present as 1 or 2 branches only. If you suspect that they may hermie you need to check regularly throughout the grow.
Hermies can present as 1 or 2 branches only. If you suspect that they may hermie you need to check regularly throughout the grow.

Other than the origins of the seed, I really have no reason to believe that they will hermie this time, they didn't last time, but I'll be extra vigilant. Thanx.
Hermies can present as 1 or 2 branches only. If you suspect that they may hermie you need to check regularly throughout the grow.

I call total and full bullshit I just had a full 7 foot monster plant go herm dont tell me that bs if you force a female to go herm then you can control how many branches.

but the problem that lies here is if the seeds are already from a hermi then they have the triats in it to go herm more often HOPE AND PRAY FOR A STRAIGHT MALE if you have to force to get a hermi then your degrading the strain and it take for ever to get the hermi trait out at least 5 gens.
With all the hoping and praying you might do, it will result the same as every other unanswered prayer... It's impossible to get a male from a female, hermie cross. There aren't any Y chromosomes donated, a male is impossible. Just females and hermies... Like this;

Typical male female cross-

Hermie cross-

No male genes can be donated= no possibility for a male.

I thought you'd know this ontariogrower :roll:
sound s like sheer luck to get pure female traits with no problems from a herme seed. jus be glad you did. and if you plant anymore,yes, never let your guard down, even till final days. during the last two weeks any way. flowers are to advanced to produce seeds in the final two weex, seen it to many times.yellow banana flowers sticking out all over the bud.lol.:sad:
and why dont you just clone?

For the SECOND time, where would I store the clones? Or the mothers? I have 1 room that I use to start seedlings, veg, and flower. The rest of the house is out of the question for obvious reasons. I don't want alot of little plants hanging around when we have company. I am looking at putting up a 30 x 40 metal building for THE SOLE PURPOSE of growing. until then, I make do with what I have available that is still paying lip service to being somewhat stealth.
Maybe I don't quite have my mind wrapped around the whole cloning thing, It just seems to me that I'm gonna need more space and about 3 separate rooms. I don't have that available right now.
If you have a closet that you can use, then you could keep a mother or two, and keep clones in there as well. Or you could build yourself a grow cabinet.

If you plan on having more than one harvest, keeping mothers and clones will save you tons of time, you won't have to wait to sex the plant, germinating seeds, and waiting for maturity... It's really worth it if you plan on filling up a bloom room over and over.
If you have a closet that you can use, then you could keep a mother or two, and keep clones in there as well. Or you could build yourself a grow cabinet.

If you plan on having more than one harvest, keeping mothers and clones will save you tons of time, you won't have to wait to sex the plant, germinating seeds, and waiting for maturity... It's really worth it if you plan on filling up a bloom room over and over.

I'm working towards that end. I just want to be sure that I can at least reproduce this line, and I gotta work with whats available. I am absolutely sure that it's a better, more efficient way to go, but that room is the only one nobody is allowed to go into. I keep neg air press in it so no odor leaks out. Security wise, I have it somewhat lax here, but I aint about to throw it in anyone's face either. Cant have little clonies hanging around in plain sight. I have some friends who "suspect" that I'm growing, 'cuz I had dank pot from my last grow when there wasn't a twig or seed to be had anywhere, but they don't KNOW for certain, and Ima keep it that way.