a question for US members..


Well-Known Member
does the government in the US have programs and/or plans in place to help people that have been laid off? like here in canada we have the second career program for people who've been laid off from their job. they can go back to school to learn a second career and its paid for by the government. not loans...like, fully paid for. there are other programs i think too, but thats the one i know the most about...do you have stuff like that there to help people? and to help with the recession?


as far as im aware, i have never heard of any programs that offer services like that

we have unemployment, a percentage of the income you WERE making, but you have to give proof your looking for a job, and even then you only get it for so long

you get screwed pretty hard when you lose your job in the US


Well-Known Member
Yes they have it, it just isnt heavily advertised. I am in the process right now of getting them to pay for my school. You have to go through a whole lot of paper work, and they only cover up to $6,000 in my area, but up to $8,000 elsewhere. But anyhting higher than that you pay the difference. I am currently applying for havac school an it would be fully covered. For any us residents, just visit the local unemployment office and they should be able to point you in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
The US has lots of programs. The money part is split up different. But If the President has his way we will be allot like Canada very soon.


Well-Known Member
we have unemployment, and if you are jobless and go to school full time you can get anywhere from 4-8 thousand per semester to help you with cost of living and books. this is in cali anyways.

actually even if you are employed you can still get these school benefits, you just dont get as much.

and if you have a job and want to go to school some employers will pay for your schooling, especially if it benefits the company(ie like obtaining a degree in the career you are currently working at)
In the US, you go to school for 1 profession. If you get laid off you are fucked.. unless you have money to go back to school or you find another place to do your job -.-


Well-Known Member
cool...that would make sense that they arent advertised, i havent seen any advertisements on tv for anything like that. our programs are advertised on tv all the time. our unemployment isnt great either, its i think 55% of the income you were making. you can collect it for a year max, and then you have to collect welfare if you're still not working. but our second career strategy program will pay for your school expenses, and while you're in school you would be receiving an income thats approx = to what you were getting from unemployment. its offered mainly to people that have been laid off of their job, but i would have been eligible too, because of how my last job ended.


Well-Known Member
ah i see, cool :) thanks for the replies everyone, i was just really curious as to what people across the border had going on to cope with the recession.


Well-Known Member
ah i see, cool :) thanks for the replies everyone, i was just really curious as to what people across the border had going on to cope with the recession.
Grow yer own! That's a good way to cope with the recession IMO. :weed: