A quick question!


Hey, I'm going to do my 2nd attempt at an outdoor grow this year and I just have a quick question. I plan on starting about 10 seedlings in my closet (About 4x8 ft) before planting them outside. I was just wondering what kind of light(s) should I use and where is a good place to get it? Also, any recommendations for an outdoor strain that would do well in wisconsin?



Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm going to do my 2nd attempt at an outdoor grow this year and I just have a quick question. I plan on starting about 10 seedlings in my closet (About 4x8 ft) before planting them outside. I was just wondering what kind of light(s) should I use and where is a good place to get it? Also, any recommendations for an outdoor strain that would do well in wisconsin?

10 seedlings.... Get yourself a 430 watt hps son agro... will do your plants justice :)