A run in with the local police.


Well-Known Member

my side job, keeping a local restaurant parking lot clean. Decent money, all alone. Keys to the place it's a fun job except for the night some teenagers tried to buy some cigarettes from the store beside here. They get declined and proceed to walk over and ask me. Of course I didn'. They walked back to the store and then it starts raining so they walk back over. canopy and all. Well they just kinda sit there for a min until....we're bombarded by city cops. Like 6 or 7 suvs they surround us. Like we were murderers out something. They look to me cause I'm obviously the oldest. Hey I just work here. They proceed to question them they lie I finally told the one kid you just need to tell them that you were trying to buy cigarettes, they're not going to leave you alone till you do. I had my phone out already, well I start recording and they didn't like that. I'm sitting there with green in my pocket. My prescription for xanax which was ok. A pipe. Finally they admit yea we did try to buy them. They continued with their little speech.you know you kids shouldn't be doing this blah etc. Then they return to the local huddle house. They pretty much live there at night. But anyway I was taking a"smoke " break and figured I'd ramble for a min.
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my side job, keeping a local restaurant parking lot clean. Decent money, all alone. Keys to the place it's a fun job except for the night some teenagers tried to buy some cigarettes from the store beside here. They get declined and proceed to walk over and ask me. Of course I didn'. They walked back to the store and then it starts raining so they walk back over. canopy and all. Well they just kinda sit there for a min until....we're bombarded by city cops. Like 6 or 7 suvs they surround us. Like we were murderers out something. They look to me cause I'm obviously the oldest. Hey I just work here. They proceed to question them they lie I finally told the one kid you just need to tell them that you were trying to buy cigarettes, they're not going to leave you alone till you do. I had my phone out already, well I start recording and they didn't like that. I'm sitting there with green in my pocket. My prescription for xanax which was ok. A pipe. Finally they admit yea we did try to buy them. They continued with their little speech.you know you kids shouldn't be doing this blah etc. Then they return to the local huddle house. They pretty much live there at night. But anyway I was taking a"smoke " break and figured I'd ramble for a min.
Dude. You gotta be less inviting. When the young shits first came over asking you to do something illegal, you shoulda just, with a stern voice, told them to get the fuck outta your parking lot. They would have never approached you again.

Poor decision making on your part.
Dude. You gotta be less inviting. When the young shits first came over asking you to do something illegal, you shoulda just, with a stern voice, told them to get the fuck outta your parking lot. They would have never approached you again.

Poor decision making on your part.

You shoulda had each one of them pull down their pants and gave them a good old fashioned spanking right in the parking lot.
They probably thought the kids were going to ransack the gas station. Gas station attendant likely called.

Smash and Grab where I'm from.
Dude. You gotta be less inviting. When the young shits first came over asking you to do something illegal, you shoulda just, with a stern voice, told them to get the fuck outta your parking lot. They would have never approached you again.

Poor decision making on your part.
Dude. You gotta be less Poor
Dude. You gotta be less inviting. When the young shits first came over asking you to do something illegal, you shoulda just, with a stern voice, told them to get the fuck outta your parking lot. They would have never approached you again.

Poor decision making on your part.

I'll take that. Should have kicked the short one in the ear too. Lesson learned trust.
It may be unfriendly but with a cop climate like that, you won't forget the last time you let some teens loiter around your business. Those bored punks could have led to your demise.
They probably thought the kids were going to ransack the gas station. Gas station attendant likely called.

Smash and Grab where I'm from.

Yep it was the Clerk. They were little young white kids coming from a rich neighborhood almost my daughters age. So no I wasn't going to buy them nothing
That's horrible , I'm sorry you had to experience such a traumatic event. I'll keep you in my prayers.

much love mr sunshine. wasn't really tramatic, a little nerve racking and little bit overkill though.
the huddle house is right up the road so I guess they were bored and decided to take off together. it was fun pissing them off when I recorded it.