A simple Question.


Active Member
A simple question, which type of cannabis is better/ stronger [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Sativa or [/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Indica??

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
depends on the specific strain of either...also, an indica would be better indoors more often than not b/c they don't get 8 or 10 feet tall


Well-Known Member
Sativa: characteristics include a lighter green color, long thin leaves and flowers, and are generally very tall and lanky. Highs are usually described as cerebral or energetic.

Indica: characteristics include dark green shorter and wider leaves with denser flowers and more powerful aroma. Highs are usually described as laid-back and sleepy or "couch-lock" high.

I think it is one of those questions like - which tastes better? apples or oranges? it depends on your preference and taste. Not to mention, you'll get different results with an early-harvested Sativa or a late-harvest Indica plus all the hybrids.... i'm not sure if there is a solid answer to your question.


New Member
Here's a semi-solid answer ~lol~

Most closet growers like to grow Indica/Sativa crosses. This produces the best of both worlds; reasonable flowering time, still reasonably short growth. The end result can be a good body stone (Indica), with a good head high (Sativa).



Active Member
interesting facts, most of the swazi rooi bard which is common here and not that great a smoke at all really is apparently sativa yet gives me a super drained like high , yet the super skunk gives me a social high and some what body buzz. What in your guys view is the best weed to make you literally crack your self up with laughter. i want to know, coz around where I stay you can only get a few things, Super skunk, swazi rooi bard, white widow, ak 47, afgun hydro and calafornia skunk. which would be best ya think to have the feeling I am really looking for?