A special grow journal....by chillnburn1.

Well steel I hope you make it out. One thing every year I never miss is the salmon/steelhead runs last year my son was born OCT 2 had it been a week earlier I don't know who's hand mom would of been holding lol. You have a few weeks for the salmon dont get me wrong after this next week probally going to start spotting/blacking out. Still fun to snag i mean catch. Steelhead run should start in about two weeks for us pending weather.
Where it says choose file it should sat upload files right under it after you have selected to pic you want to upload hit it and wait for it to add the image in the text.
If that don't work them im lost lol
I think the kings are just getting started in the rivers here. Also its a humpy year. My friends all proud of his "blackmouth" just a bunch of mushy pinks.lol I do plan on getting out a bit this year. I basically took last year off and now I got a honda accord ( better gas mileage) so no excuses.
We had a huge run of pinks last year we tend to get big runs every three years or so. There alright id rather wrestle in a 40lb king myself. About 6 years ago guy caught the world record brown trout the same day I was there literally 15 yards from me. I think it weighted in at 46lbs and yes I said brown trout. Supposedly he get a million bucks between cabelas buying the rights to show case the fish and rapala sponsored him because he got it on a black shad rapala. Fished that hole for over ten years mad doesnt even describe it lol.
Oh shit! Was he at least a local fella? If he came from out of town I'd string him up by his toes, especially if he was one of those big city buisnessmen who look like they just stepped out of a cabelas catalogue. lol I can't help but to laugh when I see them wearing $1,000 worth of waders and boots and a big fancy cigar. Dorks. You sound like you paid your dues there it should have been your fish I say. My ak48's in the tent have started to flower!! I get stupidly excited even though I can't smoke. I'm a caregiver. It's been 20 years since I've seen plants grow and I just want to hug the fucking things and maybe cry a little (is that weird) Its like watching a 15+ lb steelhead buck swimming in my hole in the summertime. Sorry I get excited, like I said. Fish on, homie!
lol, congrats on the flowering ak's do you have a journal or anything up I can check out? Guy was not local and he didnt have thousand dollar waders he was in a ten thousand dollar lund boat with the thousand dollar river pick anchors on both sides (mechanical arms). I was in my hodges that have kept me good for damn near ten years lol.Just blew out the knee might patch them or finally get a new pair always felt bottoms!
No journal. but I will update my cry for help thread. lol. I found Gandalfdagreen and pm'd him. He got right back to me with a treatment plan and saved the plants lifes. He's my hero. I'll get some pics tonight when the lights come on and update it. I'll attach it on here for ya. Felt bottoms were getting hard to find around here since I guess they outlawed them in Alaska. So my state was possibly going to follow suit. I haven't paid attention lately. But am tired of falling in old work boots. The last big steelhead I hooked took me for a swim. lol I fish a fast steep little river. I knew I was going down as soon as I hooked that buck.