A strain that makes you much more capable?


Well-Known Member
Here's where I'm coming from. A few years ago I was attempting to learn how to jump a mountain bike. I was a newb to down hilling and every time I hit a jump I stiffened up and landed awkwardly, nearly crashing every time. My rider buds told me to let the bike float below me as to control it and do what you want with it. Most definitely easier said than done, don't believe me, go hit a jump and watch what happens. I tried and tried again. I nearly gave up on the jumping idea which slowed me way down on the trails.

A friend gave me some piney smelling weed. I was new to herb so I went easy on it. Then I decided to go biking, and low and behold I was controlling my bike, and hitting jumps with ease. It was as if I was thinking and reacting quicker than the fast motions of biking. I was in the matrix, but I wasn't stoned, I definitely had a clear head. Yet, I was mentally a beast, moving faster than time, and reacting accordingly. It was surreal how it opened up the skills that existed in my mind, yet without it...

I have yet to find out what strain it was and still haven't mastered jumps. I've smoked a bit of weed, but around here it's the same ole kush and that is far from the kind of weed I had. Any ideas? I'd love to be a master again.

Sativa or sativa-dom crosses tend to give me energy and even though some get me really stoned, it's with a clear head and enhances some sports. I smoke it exclusively when snow boarding or skiing. Team sports like soccer/hockey not so much but individual sports where I'm in my own head it seems to work well.
Sativa. I can't remember what I'm smoking. Yeah but, if am smoking the Sativa Dom Amnesia. I am way too fucked to do that shit on a bicycle. Just saying. You need a chill weed. Closest thing that comes to mind I've actually had is DNA Lemon Skunk. It's an older strain but, brings you the chill.
You are thinking about this all wrong. It is not the strain, but how you ingest it that determines your capability. Grind up some buds (any strain) into a fine powder, ball it up, and have a friend place it gently inside your anus. Voila. Capability = over 9000
Sativa. I can't remember what I'm smoking. Yeah but, if am smoking the Sativa Dom Amnesia. I am way too fucked to do that shit on a bicycle. Just saying. You need a chill weed. Closest thing that comes to mind I've actually had is DNA Lemon Skunk. It's an older strain but, brings you the chill.
I got some of the same and it doesn't wreck me to the point I can't do anything.
sat dom
some ill smoke, get in my thoughts for like an hr then be like...im not even really high
some are more "dreamy" what i call it, sensual, touchcy feely have me rubbin my feet and socks together like i popped an xo, everything a lil hazy, colors more vibrant
some will have me suoer excited, as in heart pounding, anxiety or paranoia for no reason, start cleaning and shit

i know what your talking about op. there are some strains that straight put me in my zone..ill go racing on a mountain side and the car is more me, in oerfect control sliding right to the edge of a cliff
sat dom
some ill smoke, get in my thoughts for like an hr then be like...im not even really high
some are more "dreamy" what i call it, sensual, touchcy feely have me rubbin my feet and socks together like i popped an xo, everything a lil hazy, colors more vibrant
some will have me suoer excited, as in heart pounding, anxiety or paranoia for no reason, start cleaning and shit

i know what your talking about op. there are some strains that straight put me in my zone..ill go racing on a mountain side and the car is more me, in oerfect control sliding right to the edge of a cliff
Dude. You haven't been coherent enough to ride a bicycle anywhere in decades. Much less jump one. LMAO. You're down with the peace and love. That's why we love you so so much bru. :rolleyes:
It is what it is and its just not dank in my book. It might be to someone else though. We a like different things.

Sorry it didn't work out for you. I expressed my concerns tryin to stunt on a bicycle smoking that. Do you wanna smoke sum dat and video yourself jumping a bike and making it "flow" on Amnesia as the OP created this thread looking for answers? Or are you just butt hurt your shit ain't as good as my shit? Demonstrate your knowledge man. We're all simply offering up ideas.

As a simple solution. I might suggest to OP he try some of @whitebb2727 weak ass weed and see if that helps him flow. I might be willing to do that myself. On a bike tho. I'm too old to push the pedals. ;-)

Peace and love bru. I ain't jumping shit on a bicycle. I might a dirt bike tho. :bigjoint: