A study in contrasts


Active Member
Here is a pic of a plant that was planted around this time 2011. She flowered under some bush beans and I revegged her. God only knows why...but it was fun. I kept her for a mother for a while just 'cause she wasn't ready to flower (low light and small pot) I finally let her grow out and now I am flowering her out along with a daughter of hers. (2nd pic) I supercropped her and left the daughter alone.

The really abused poor little critters are another clone (super-cropped) and a seedling that planted itself from a hermie from the same batch of bagseed. (Slightly LST'd). If I didn't have a couple healthy girls I would be really sad. I don't know exactly what happened either.

All 4 have been growing under the same conditions and just look! This is a study for me in WTF? I was really lazy compared to my last grow and let them get a bit deficient I think. Then I proceeded to burn the hell out of them on what I thought was light nutes (less than half, not bubbled and not PH'd....lazy). The old lady and one clone took it fine. Weird.

Anyway I just brought them out for some sunshine and thought the contrast was funny.

