a timer problem?


Active Member
hey don't know how much everybody knows about automatic timers on here but I bought a timer that needs 10 PSI to operate and it is hooked up to a spigot at the bottom of a 55 gallon drum. The drip kit coming out of it is 25 PSI. does the timer need to be hooked up below the drip system so it will have enough pressure? because as of right now it doesn't work, the thing clicks and then no water comes out


Well-Known Member
Is it possible you have it hooked up backwards ? You may not have enough pressure if you just have it at the bottom of the 55 gallon barrel. Try hooking it to a normal spigot with normal pressure and see if it works, if not I'd say it was defective.


Well-Known Member
If the drip kit requires 25psi and it works by itself, then the timer should work if it only requires 10psi. I would guess the pressure is no longer 25 after going through the drip kit so I'd say it could only work before it. The pressure requirement is for the weight of the water in the drum putting pressure throughout the bottom. The pressure will depend on how much water is in the drum. More water=more psi at the spigot. You could also run into problems if the spigot diameter is too small to allow a high enough psi


Active Member
i just talked to the company and now i feel like an idiot. the timer i have needs 10 psi to work and my barrel is only putting out like 2 or 3 the guy said since it is non pressurized. The system is only meant to reduce hose pressure to 25 psi, not raise it. So i need some type of timer that requires no pressure! Maybe i will start a new thread to find one...i hear it is difficult!