A trip down memory lane..


Since once of the side effects of enjoying the smoke is short term memory loss I thought I'd post this video for those of you interested in political discussion...


There has been so much talk lately about how hateful the right / tea party is in this country. The above video shows a small taste of the hate coming from the left just a few years ago.

Honestly, if the conservative right really was as hateful and violent as the media / left are portraying us lately, the left would have a serious problem. You lefties do realize how many guns are in this country right? You do realize that the conservatives are the majority owners of firearms, the traditional families, the hunters, the present military members / veterans... If the conservative right was truly fired up, p!ssed off, hateful and violent, the left would be dead.


Well-Known Member
Since once of the side effects of enjoying the smoke is short term memory loss I thought I'd post this video for those of you interested in political discussion...


There has been so much talk lately about how hateful the right / tea party is in this country. The above video shows a small taste of the hate coming from the left just a few years ago.

Honestly, if the conservative right really was as hateful and violent as the media / left are portraying us lately, the left would have a serious problem. You lefties do realize how many guns are in this country right? You do realize that the conservatives are the majority owners of firearms, the traditional families, the hunters, the present military members / veterans... If the conservative right was truly fired up, p!ssed off, hateful and violent, the left would be dead.
Very good post. Just shows you the hypocrisy of the people. It's not about bad short term memory. It's about people burying their heads in the sand. Too many people are flapping their gums trying to appear right instead of looking for the truth.


Active Member

There has been so much talk lately about how hateful the right / tea party is in this country. The above video shows a small taste of the hate coming from the left just a few years ago..
You and the creator of that video seem to think that is some sort of contradiction. No one in the media supported comparisons of Bush to Hitler, absolutely no one. In fact, the most watched cable news channel constantly criticized the people who made such comparisons. To claim that the media is being hypocritical in this case is totally unfounded.

"Before January 20th, 2009 it was once considered patriotic to speak out against your government".

Nobody in the media or on the left criticize 'Tea Party protesters' for protesting or speaking out. They are criticized for lying and making racist statements. Since I'm sure clarification is required: I am not speaking about all of the protesters. However, there are many racist and illogical statements made at these rallies.

"Now of course we know that anyone who opposes the president is just a bigoted redneck who should be treated as a domestic terrorist".

This of course is just a blatant straw man. An extreme exaggeration which no one has stated.

You lefties do realize how many guns are in this country right? You do realize that the conservatives are the majority owners of firearms, the traditional families, the hunters, the present military members / veterans... If the conservative right was truly fired up, p!ssed off, hateful and violent, the left would be dead.
That's a non sequitur. Firstly, as I explained earlier, no one is claiming that the entire right wing is violent and hateful. And most people who hold illogical hatred do not act on it. It's only a small minority of mad men who actually carry through on their insane beliefs. These crazy people at the 'Tea Party protests' who brandish weapons and say things like "If it comes to it, we'll be prepared to fight" would never actually do anything. It's easy to talk like that, there are very few brave enough to actually back it up. After all, even if this insane paranoia was true, who could possibly fight against the government? Good luck taking on the United States military, backwoods militia.


Well-Known Member
Since once of the side effects of enjoying the smoke is short term memory loss I thought I'd post this video for those of you interested in political discussion...


There has been so much talk lately about how hateful the right / tea party is in this country. The above video shows a small taste of the hate coming from the left just a few years ago.

Honestly, if the conservative right really was as hateful and violent as the media / left are portraying us lately, the left would have a serious problem. You lefties do realize how many guns are in this country right? You do realize that the conservatives are the majority owners of firearms, the traditional families, the hunters, the present military members / veterans... If the conservative right was truly fired up, p!ssed off, hateful and violent, the left would be dead.
so tell me again, who is talking about hate, guns, hunting, pissed off, violence and death. asshole.