A warm hello from the frozen north


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I should have jumped in here before starting my journal up (feel free to stop in there and put in your $.02 https://www.rollitup.org/t/one-plant-pre-cab-grow.880789/ ). I'm relatively new to cannabis cultivation but being from Alaska where it's ok for me to do so I have recently started back up. I blaze because I enjoy it and it helps me deal with my tourette's. I am excited to meet like minds around here, hopefully ill be meeting many of you soon!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to riu.

Enjoy growing your own medicine!

I would like to know if more indica or more sativa strains are helping you if you dont mind



Well-Known Member
That's a bit of a toughey, they both have their merits though I would say an indica heavy blend tends to be my best friend. The indicas seem to help with a lot of the symptoms of tourettes itself however the sativa is nice for the social anxiety that comes along with it. I would say if I had to pick pure sativas or indicas for life id probably have to pick the indica.