A WEEK OF THIS!!! Southern USA


Active Member
New grower here...I live in southern USA..I started some a lil over a month ago and the weathers been in the 70's so far...its been great for this time of year...the thing is for the next 7 or 8 days the highs are forecasted to never get into the 70's and lows get down to 34..also its supposed to be cloudy the next day or so...I was wondering what effect yall thing this is gona have on em????

.....I know I should of just waited till late feb to start but I was to anxious:weed: thought Id give it a shot

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
how many hours will the temp be in the low 30's??? may need to cover or bring them inside if they are still potted ......


Active Member
its forecasted to be in the lower 30s 1 or 2 nights and the other night are in the low 40s....they arnt near my house so I wont be able to bring them in...Im afrad to cover them because they are still farley small.....most of them are in trees and I have my 3 best ones in 5 gallon pots...im half tempted to bring my small tent out there on the coldest nights and bring the 3 pots in the tent with my to keep them a lil warmer...im still worried about the ones in the tress tho : /


Well-Known Member
its forecasted to be in the lower 30s 1 or 2 nights and the other night are in the low 40s....they arnt near my house so I wont be able to bring them in...Im afrad to cover them because they are still farley small.....most of them are in trees and I have my 3 best ones in 5 gallon pots...im half tempted to bring my small tent out there on the coldest nights and bring the 3 pots in the tent with my to keep them a lil warmer...im still worried about the ones in the tress tho : /

you can try wrapping them and covering them... it only took 1 night for mine to take a shit outside in the 30's...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
that much air circulation might not be too good this early come jan -march we get most our freezes you really jumped the gun i would LMFO if we had a very mild winter and you wound up with monsters ...best of luck


Active Member
what do you mean by that much air circulation?? you mean it wont be a god idea to have them in the tent with me?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
no up off the ground if they are in the soil the ground takes longer too cool up in containers they cool off fast...wont the tent bring too much attention to your grow area?