AARRGGGHHHHHH 1 plant too tall, any advice please.

I have 1 of my 9 plants which is getting too tall, I've shifted them around the tent a few times to try to get the others to catch up but it seems to be having a growth spurt (again) can any one advise me as to what to do, the only thing I can think of is to tie it about 6" from the top down onto the pot with a little tension so hopefully rather than her continuing to grow up she might grow sideways a bit, all the others are a decent height.
Any info/advice greatly appreciated, too late to top so looking for alternative methods.
Many many thanks :hug: this is my first indoor grow so not sure what to do.



Well-Known Member
yea .. use a pice of soft string .. bend it down .. if your scared .. do it a bit at the time over a few days ..
wow, what quick replies, thanks, sorry if i sound like an idiot, never grown indoors so height has never been an issue before, I have an abundance of paracord available, so was thinking of tying her in the circle area down to the lip of the next pot, should i pad the stem where i tie her with anything to stop it cutting into/or strangling the top of the plant?
thank you



Well-Known Member
When I have plants that grow like that , I keep them to the outside of the tray so I can lower my light. Sometimes a plant will grow taller and I just let it grow outside the light hood . Plant still gets plenty of light. Should be fine.


Well-Known Member
use some soft string .. I use that green garden string you can buy or some soft thic white nylon line .. but make some loose loops .. stem might grow and you dont want it to cut in to it either ..

I just make a loose loop around the top and then let the string go down to the pot and use a pice of tape to secure it on the side of the pot ..
but thats just me I guess .. but it make it easy to bent it down more if nesseary later on ..
When I have plants that grow like that , I keep them to the outside of the tray so I can lower my light. Sometimes a plant will grow taller and I just let it grow outside the light hood . Plant still gets plenty of light. Should be fine.
I did initially drop the light, but my temps at top of pot gotta little high 30+, and she still kept charging up, I'll make a locked slipknot loop with a tensioner at the other end and do a little everyday and see how she gets on.

thanks for all your help folks, I'll report back on this in a few days.


Well-Known Member
You didn't say how much time before they finish. If it's 2 weeks or more I would cut off the top 10
inches or so and use it as a clone. The extra time will allow the plant to redirect it's growing energy from
vertical to more bushy.

been in flower for about 2 weeks, I've only ever had to top a plant once, last year in my shed grow, prob then was the plant went herm and i didn't notice till i walked in and brushed it with my arm, shed full of pollen and all 6 plants went to seed :sad: she's already quite bushy and is almost to the point of covering the plants around her, if i had the room I would prob top and reuse the cutting but I'm running out of space as it is, and they bloody stink :mrgreen: so cant risk having her in the back garden, got a few scrotes round here so a lot of rozzers in close proximity, keep telling the wife we should move to a bigger house :lol: I'm gonna tie her down and see how she gets on, worst case scenario she'll have to go on a vacation to my mates when his tents empty, first time in 20+years I've used lights so having to learn to control them better, hopefully the next grow will be more uniform, cheers for your help BigSteve.