About 1 month, not alot of growth at all, but they smell like chronic.

my plants are about a month, maybe a month and a half.
they're tiny and look very un developed, but smell like chronic already. the weird thing is, my friends plant is in the flowering stage and it doesn't smell. i'll try to get pics up of theirs is they'll just understand the pigs won't know it's them if i take pics of it. lol. FILE0006.jpgFILE0008.jpgFILE0007.jpgFILE0004.jpgFILE0005.jpg
the soil's fine and the light grew a plant before.
also, if they already smell like chron, why should i kill them? i know they aren't gonna produce like an ounce or anything, just enough to keep me smokin for a few days.

Pat Man

Active Member
you dont have to kill them but they look like theyre stretching like crazy. move the light closer man itll help.
it's as close as i can get it. lol. the tallest one in the top i'm about to kill. along with maybe 1 or 2 more. but do sprouts like this normally start stinking soo soon?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have to bite the bullet mate this may sound harsh,but i would ditch the grow you have going at the minute.You will get no where without the right amount of light get a hps light,some people use hid but i get min of 8oz but most of the time 10/12oz per plant.don't do too many per light i do 4 plants under 2 x 600 hps,each plant has at least 1mtr square to it's self once a plant starts to touch another they start the fight for light,this is how weight is lost in the end.If you had the right light then your plants would look like your photos at 5 days after germanating from seed,with in 4 week under 1 x 600 the plants should be well with in 2 ft tall with tight nodes.We all start some where but it is not worth the risk or the money you are spending on electric or nutes,let me know when you have a hps light and i will give you all the help i can stay green tyke................................
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Well-Known Member
Looks like they could do with a water and some feed. I assume you want to grown them all in that one large pot? What size is it?

It's fine to grow multiple plants in one pot as long as you are giving them room. I often have 3 plants (and do at the moment) in trays, all in the same substrate.

They don't look the healthiest to be honest though, but I have seen worse give people harvests.

Good luck.


my plants are about a month, maybe a month and a half.
they're tiny and look very un developed, but smell like chronic already. the weird thing is, my friends plant is in the flowering stage and it doesn't smell. i'll try to get pics up of theirs is they'll just understand the pigs won't know it's them if i take pics of it. lol. View attachment 2036264View attachment 2036265View attachment 2036266View attachment 2036267View attachment 2036268


Active Member
U could have used some cfls and those plants would look way better i start my plants in a 30 gallon tote under two 26 watt 6500 k cfls and leave them in that until they get 4 sets of leaves then i transplant and move them to a bigger veg chamber. get lik 5 or 6 cfls and put them an inch or two above your plants c if you can save them


Well-Known Member
No i would kill them and start again. What you can smell is mold thats all over the leaves, not chronic, thats just silly. Do something about the rh it must be thru the roof.


If you want to grow effectively you cant expect to do it with no preparation at all, if it was really that simple dont you think that everyone would do it? You need to research the forums a little bit and figure out what you need and if you are on a budget then dont look at the professional grows and look at the people who posted about successful budget grows. Looks like you didn't even bother to construct a 20$ grow box or anything for them. If you can't scrounge up 50$ to invest in even the most minimal of setups then you haven't done enough planning I don't think. Good luck with everything.


Active Member
People really need to start doing some research i have said this once but i will say it again everyone comments on something stupid like this and people with really problems that need help get no answers cuz they post on stuff like this. Go back to the drawing board kid read some stuff learn a little bit then try it again. Dont wanna sound like an ass but when i started i didnt know shit and my plants still looked way better than that. I started my first plants under 4 3 ft flurescent tubes it didnt look the best but better than those four plants. Research is key to not looking like an idiot.


Well-Known Member
You can still save those plants. Get some CFLs. Looks like you are trying to grow with incandescents. Bury the plants down in more. They should recoup fine.