About Light Hangers

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Whats going on, I just invested in some light hangers for my 400w HPS lighting system and I cant for the life of me figure out how to get the hangers to even up. They're the kind like most have, with the lil screw thing on the back you can untighten/tighten. But I've played with it and it just seems it hangs lower on the side that the actual power cord is on. Any suggestions..and here are some pics so u get an idea..


The first 2 pics are of the light system and how it looks and it's mounted to my closet rack. And the last two are just of what I have going on right now. Thanx all


Well-Known Member
i use 12 gauge wire with insulation on it. its easy to bend, but still holds its shape really well. it easily holds up lights. u just untwist and pull the wire up a lil bit when u wana move the light up.

if u go to the link in my sig, the pics with the cfls show u the wire i use


Well-Known Member
Hooks, chains, and Hilti anchors here.... I've been looking at making a pulley system but haven't really found the time.


Well-Known Member
I was using the same light holders and changed my mind after 15 minutes because of the same reason. If you are having problems now, do you want to take a chance with having your lights fall on your plants ? Chains just seem to be the safest way to go. This is how I changed my closet rod to hold my lights.



Active Member
I had the same problem I just zip tied a small weight on the side without the cord.Works fine and theres no chance of them falling on your plants once the nuts are tightened.Just make sure the weight isn't to big or your reflector will come crashing down on your plants as soon as you undo the nut.I just used a peice of scrap metal that weighs about a pound or so.Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I also wasted money on those light hangars. They are junk. chain for FTW. There should be a sticky on "grow yo yos" telling all to beware. They dont get low enough, they dont get hi enough and they seem to me to be insufficient for a 220 hood and a 100 dollar bulb not to mention the thousands of dollars in product below.

Bubbuh Kush

Well-Known Member
Well I wanna thank all for the replies and suggestions, I tinkered with it for a lil bit and I have found a solution (so far..). I got it to the height I needed it at, then I tied a knot right before the hole going into the actual hanger. So it's pretty even now, thanx gentleman.


Well-Known Member
Yo Yos SUCK... Glad you found a solution. They make some hangers out of a simply metal block and cable. Best thing is, at my local grow shop they are even cheaper than the shitty Yo=Yos. My grow shop happily accepted the Yo Yos back after I expressed myself...... Would be very easy to do with crimping supplies.


hmmm glad i saw this in time

am planning my grow area now and these were on the list

but i'll get some chain instead now :)