About pruning in flowering stage.


Active Member
Hello dear scientists, i hope you are well. Today my autoflower plants are on their 52nd day. I pruned some leaves that prevent the buds from getting sun. In total, I plucked 10-15 leaves from each plant. Do you think I made a mistake? I had heard that pruning in bloom would be risky, but some leaves got too big and I had to pluck them. Do I have the right to prune some more in the coming days when they grow back? Or should I no longer do it?
No, I'm kinda serious!!! I've been going pretty hard on the defol, and it's like it makes room for more flower bulking. Autos, photos, doesn't matter
On the 53rd day, how do you think their general condition is? If i get 30-35gr per plant satisfies me, my first grow. :D


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You have nice and healthy plant in the middle of her journey. I would not pluck any more leaf, since you have entered full flower and there wont be new leaves growing anymore. Focus to keep them green till the end, it may takes around two months. Have fun growing
I think I made a big mistake.

After pruning, the plant became stressed and the white pistils in the photo turned orange. Although 10 days have passed, the buds have grown very little. While it was blooming, when it plucked 15-20 leaves at once, it got stressed and wanted to complete the bloom by producing more trichomes.

Does it make sense to you? Or did I just make up a prediction out of my ass?

Photo from a few days ago. as you can see the pistils are orange, most of them white in the top photo of the subject. Can we explain this with stress?