About ready to cut....Pictures


Well-Known Member
I have this lady here.....97% milky trichs...few clear...Many of the pistils are still white and some r red and some in between.... flowering over 10 weeks. Do you think i can cut this week or wait another??????


Well-Known Member
yea imo i would go at least a week mabee 2...10 weeks already...somekind haze???..peace az


Well-Known Member
idk what it is,,,,I got it from some bagseed..... I saw a pic and it looked the same exact way, and the person said theres was afghani....so maybe could be that...


Well-Known Member
You can cut down when you want, but from the look your pisl. are white and not brown/red. I would cut down when they tune brown/red.


Well-Known Member
looks afghani to me :)

I notice urs is poking out little fox tails too....

68th day of flowering..

Here is mine...


Active Member
hey lookin sweat! if u harvest it now it would be more of a head high but a little less yield and if u wait another
week or 2 it would be a stronger stone smoke bigger yield, but its prob mostly sativa so i dont know if it would
make 2 much of diff to high...:peace:



New Member
The plant looks really good. The leaves are still very green. It would be harsh on your insides as of right now. I suggest a week or two of water only.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have a question for everyone who posted to wait a week... why?

You can't see the trichomes magnified in the pictures... but the poster is indicating they are 95% milky. Every single book I've read on the subject says that trichomes are the only true way to tell when a plant is ready to harvest... and they should be 80 - 90% opaque (or milky) in appearance.

So ... without really being able to see the trichomes and only going by when the poster originally posted ... why is everyone saying to wait a week?

It seems like EVERY THREAD on harvesting has people saying "wait a week"... what gives with this?

I dunno... I'm certainly a novice but if it was me.... and the trichomes were truly 95% opaque... that plant would be coming down pronto.

Hopefully the poster already did a 10 day flush of the nutes...


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Can you read this again florida girl?
I did read it.... I still don't get it. I've never read anything about leaf color having anything to do with the readiness of a plant to be harvested. Trichomes viewed through a magnifier are the only way to truly tell from what I've read.

Also.... the poster said they didn't know what strain this plant is... I think they said it was grown from bag seed. So.... without knowing the strain... how can you know what color the leaves are suppose to be? Seems to me all the more reason to only gauge by magnified view of the trichomes.

Like I said... I'm certainly a novice .... and always willing to learn something new.... but I just don't get how everything I've read on the subject could be wrong... :confused:

LOL... maybe I'm just a :dunce:... that's always a possibility..... probability even. :)



Well-Known Member
the trichs wont change that much within a week, if i can get fatter buds in the time span its def worth it to wait.....i've had milky trich for the past 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
part of the reason everyone says wait a week, or maybe 2, is the fact that after awhile, after either growing yourself and seeing it in person, or after seeing so many pictures on RIU, you can look at a picture and just know, if it's done, or if it looks like it has a week to go or maybe two, just because once a bud really gets to the point where it's ready, it has this "ripe" look or quality to it. as for my 2 cents, i would say prolly somewhere between another 2 to 2 1/2 weeks should be about perfect.


Well-Known Member
i'm with darknight, and also, what often happens with first time growers is they chop too soon because they're so eager to smoke it, often first time growers will ask whether its ready to chop or not on RIU and the answer is almost always "give her a few weeks". waiting allows the buds to fill out and adds to the quality of the end product, also, if one cuts a plant that is still very green it is still full of chlorophyll. when chlorophyll burns it gives the harsh, sharp biting sensation in the throat and is nasty on the lungs. waiting and flushing the nutrients from the plant makes the smoke smoother.

cheers guys


Well-Known Member
wow that is messed up man 10 weeks flower alredy. it doesnt look like it is anywhere near done yet i couldnt find a single mature pistil. yes the trichomes may look done but if u look at what the rest of the plant is telling you it is still goona produce more. i find it odd that an afgani would be a 12 weeker or a 10 for that matter. i dunno man i would use ur judgement on this 1 but if it were me i would def let it go another few weeks until it fills out a little more and starts to mature. good luck with ur grow.


Well-Known Member
wow that is messed up man 10 weeks flower alredy. it doesnt look like it is anywhere near done yet i couldnt find a single mature pistil. yes the trichomes may look done but if u look at what the rest of the plant is telling you it is still goona produce more. i find it odd that an afgani would be a 12 weeker or a 10 for that matter. i dunno man i would use ur judgement on this 1 but if it were me i would def let it go another few weeks until it fills out a little more and starts to mature. good luck with ur grow.
ya. it seemed odd to me to....this was a cfl flower for 6 weeks, then i added the hps and soo much more growth came out. I feel the cfl's held it back


Well-Known Member
wait a week and a half and the buds will get FAT that is why you would wait.... start your flush now.lots of nitrogen left in the plant...let 20 percent of your trichs turn amber and that will help the buzz get stronger and last longer. that weed is about to fill out be patient it is hard but beeee patient


Well-Known Member
I did read it.... I still don't get it. I've never read anything about leaf color having anything to do with the readiness of a plant to be harvested. Trichomes viewed through a magnifier are the only way to truly tell from what I've read.

Also.... the poster said they didn't know what strain this plant is... I think they said it was grown from bag seed. So.... without knowing the strain... how can you know what color the leaves are suppose to be? Seems to me all the more reason to only gauge by magnified view of the trichomes.

Like I said... I'm certainly a novice .... and always willing to learn something new.... but I just don't get how everything I've read on the subject could be wrong... :confused:

LOL... maybe I'm just a :dunce:... that's always a possibility..... probability even. :)
well reading alot is deffinately helpfull to get off on the right foot and the publishers of those books do the best they can to protect us from ourselves but experience is where its at.....and you will find that as you continue on your path that most of those books are right but the instructions can always be tweeked and improved upon...good luck and never sell your self short because a book says so...:mrgreen: leaf color means alot the greener it is the more nitrogen it has in it..chloraphill should evaporate out if you cure it properly but flushing it will get rid of all the fertilizer residues and built up salts... as this happens the leaves will turn a little yellow because it is feeding in the ferts built up in athe fann leaves this is a good thing .. it is not a sighn of ripeness it is a sighn of cleanliness in the plant i start my flush when 25 to 30 percent of the pistils are brown... dont go by a calender that is a veryruff estimate and evry thing we do changes the days to maturation .less light more time ,less co2 more time. light schedule interuption more time. if you are completlyconsistant then the calender is close, but when is a stoner consistant hahahah. good luck and wait it out you will be happy...