About to chop...wanna make hash with trimmings


Active Member
Whats the easiest/ cheapest way. I ve done the ice water method it worked the first time but i tried it again and no luck...any suggestions?


Active Member
The ice method is the only one I have seen. You used two buckets, ice, and the screens ? I have never heard of it not working.


Active Member
No i tried this one thing where i put the leaves in ice water and the crystals fall to the bottom its what i did last time.. but it didnt work recently.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Easiest and cheapest is BHO, but its also the most dangerous....or only dangerous method. A footlong piece of pvc with caps, a 5x purified can of butaine, a unbleached.coffee filter, and a pyrex dish, available at a thrift store... but I would advize getti.g some bubble bags. Dry ice hash is pretty damn easy, but imo not as good as cold water hash....


Active Member
If u know a better way let me know i dont have sreen. Last time i filtered it with coffee filters. Worked for me the first time now im asking for peoples opinions for a reason.


Well-Known Member
dry it bust it up get a honey bee extractor or make your own for a fraction of the price and do BHO

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Can anyone go into detail about the ice water method? I dont have money to get the bags otherwise i would
The ice water method uses bags.... Unless you mean the one you did befor where you put trim in a big jar with ice water, put the lid on, and shake like hell, allow the.crystala to settle, then skim off the top leaf material. Thats not a very good method really.... Either get bags. Or do BHO

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
But if you are set on that method, instead of filtering through a coffee filter, try a nylon stocking or a silk scarf after you skim off the top material. I have a feeling the coffee filter is likely to leave fibers in your calyxes

And also...you should be asking whats the best way, not the cheapest. You waited months to make this hash, dont you want it to come out as good as possible?
Get a drill you can put a long bit on.

Get a couple bags of ice.

Get three large buckets and a set of bubble bags.

Take one of the buckets and drill some holes in the bottom of it.

Take your small bucket and put it in the large bucket, the one without the holes.

Now take your bubble bags, place them in the bucket you drilled the holes into and then place this into the small/large bucket setup.

Take your trim and place it in a large bucket with some ice and water. use the drill and stir this mix for about 15 - 20 minutes and then pour this mixture into your bags.

Let the bags drain and then collect your product from each bag. Place on a plate to dry.

Enjoy some fine smoke!



Active Member
Nah i grew the plant to smoke im just making the hash so i dont waste any bit of it. But im gonna have to do some research. I have no idea what bho is. But when i used the ice water before i didnt shake it after some hours lots of crystals were at the bottom. But thanks everyone im just gonna google it

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
nd thanks for that nice tutorial but i dont have money for the bubble bags
Hello summerigrewup....

I just recently made up a hash like product out of some bud trimmings...I picked up a trim box off the internet....from cannada I think...125.00us

Anyway I looked through my freezer the other day and found a bag of trim....Then I built a fire in the wood stove until the trim got pretty dry and ground it up on this screen box...

The third tray down is the best product.....the top screen is made out of some kind of metal mesh....It seams to work good if the trim is the right dryness...and taste good....here's some pic's...

