About to kill my only plant...


Active Member
Well, my one plant, 3 weeks now into flower, is about to be killed. My ex gf knows about it and i'm too paranoid that shes gonna call the cops and tell them about it. Any advice (other than keeping my big mouth shut) before the deed is done?
uh, yah, dont do it. the cops arent gonna come to ur door because of a phonecall. and if they do, they cant search, because they need a warrant. and even if they did find u with ur ONE plant, they probably wouldnt give a fuck.

so, my advice, tell that bitch to go fuck herself, and leave ur lady alone
Ur tellin me that MA cops arent gonna get a warrant and bust into my house cause of one plant? I always figured they did whatever they could to catch anyone growin anything.
SORRY TO hear that dude i did post in your other thread about this, it really is up to you, we always see a side to a woman when things dont work out we never saw before, trust me i know, i now live alone with girls that dont talk or call the cops, i dont know where you live, but if some chick made that call in the uk, the cops would call, and call early.
no, they cant get a warrant if some1 calls and says u have a growhouse. stop worrying. u will be fine
yo man-I say let that sweet herb grow.it looks to me if your gf wants to call the cops on you, then you have yourself a really bad gf, cas why should a normal person ho you hang with do that-its un reasonable!
so man good luck do you and make that woman right :)....
hey, can you put your plant outdoors? might take some more time to get bud, and you might even get more. just an idea
America is fucked, yes, in terms of law.... FUCKED. But, over 1 plant i wouldnt have thought they'd even bother. I know i wouldnt... and americans are lazier so i wouldnt kill it, it's worth the risk in my opinion [is it female? OR fem'd seeds? If not, it might be a male, and in that case, i would kill it]
i say keep it.

as said, just cus she knows, doesn't mean she'll tell. i don't know how you two left each other, but if just a breakup is gonna make her want to try get you in jail etc, then well, i don't really know that many people, in fact none, who would stoop that low.

i say you'll be just fine. as said, cops generally don't waste resources on a single plant. you put 2 guys on stakeout for a single day because of a phone call, they just took two available cops off the street, say 10 hours combined of wages, petrol, everything, then they bust you with an immature plant worth absolute zip, they're not gonna be happy with that, and the budgeting meeting is not gonna like how the drug squad money is being spent :D