About to switch to 12/12 for my first grow, but want to make light schedule match daylight. How can I do this?


New Member
So my plants normally get light from 5PM until 11 AM, but they are in a room with a lot of sun coming in the windows during the day. I have blackout curtains, but it's really not enough. I've had a few mixed messages from people saying it's fine to give them 1 day of 18 hour dark or 24 hour light before flipping to 12/12. The lights went off today at 11 AM and I am wondering if I just wait about 18 hours and turn them back on tomorrow morning at 5 AM and then keep them on 5AM - 5PM cycle. Or I could give them 1 day of 24 hour light (5PM tonight to 5PM tomorrow) and then go 12/12 from there. And I attached a picture just because.

Edit: I guess a third option could be to use 2 6 inch duct tubes with a 90 degree bend at the bottom? and close the screens that i've been using for air intake? Just seems like they won't get as much air that way, I also blow fans from outside through the screens.


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