?about trichomes and hair???


Active Member
Does the color of hair on a bud really matter? i have milky trichomes verified under 100X but the hairs are only 60% red and 40% white. The buds have became really swollen over the past week and are filling out nicely the strain is bc mango if that matters. plants started 8th week of flower this past sunday. I am running out of time and i need to get these bad girls chopped asap but i dont want to screw my self either. so any input would be great.


Well-Known Member
If its gone 8 weeks and u have to chop then chop you won't lose that much weight and its likely already reached the much disputed peak potency


Well-Known Member
sativas run a little longer. kushes and indicas run a little shorter. idk where your strain falls in that area but from what you say it sounds like your plants are ready. give em a couple days of dark first, then harvest. ok?


Active Member
i checked the trich's one one of the plants in the back and i has some amber but mostly cloudy so i think i am going to be good to go. and im going to give them about 30 hours of dark before the chop.