Absolutly insane


Just thought u guys would enjoy this. I live in a townehouse rental complex and just recently there has been a major leak in one of the walls. I did everything I could to find the leak and fix it short of tearing down the walls. The other day my wife pulled one of the pictures down that was hanging on the wall and there was mold growing. Now becuase of the safety of my wife I had absolutly no choice but to call maintence. That means informing a close relative, paying them, and moving an entire grow op with 8 beautys in FULL BLOOM to an entirely differant county!!

They are safe now and doing ok so far. But unfortinatly they are in a very humid area. So if there is any question in this post it would be: any good and cheap ideas out there? Btw already have 1 dehumidifier running. I think I had about 3 heart attacks that day.....