AC Infinity C69 controller DIY Qs


Active Member
1. Can it control any old (6") inline duct fan? Mine can be wired for a high and low speed option, can I convert it to an ECS motor easily?
2. Will it control an old Vipar Spectra VT300 LED?
3. Will it control a small portable AC?
4. Will it also run a small power strip of USB powered humidifiers? 3x3 tent.
An ACInfinity 69 controller can turn all of those off and on based on humidity, temp, vpd, or time. You also need a control plugs for each thing you intend to control. The controller just signals the control plug to turn power off or on to whatever it is connected to. I don't know anything about converting a fan to ECS. But with a control plug, a controller 69 will turn a regular can fan off and on but I don't know how you could also adjust fan speed with that setup.