Ac infinity oscillating fans are up for sale

Get them while they last because it won’t be for long!

Get ONE while they last. You aren't allowed to PREORDER more than one. If. you think it's because millions of people are growing their own all across the country and millions were sold the first day, you'd be wrong. Growing may have taken on a few more devotees due to legalization, but this junk isn't outselling baby formula these days. The reason for the debacle of a rollout is because JinPing has been deliberately shutting down labor in his country to cause problems in the rest of the world.

On the day these went on sale I logged into my ACI account and added everything I wanted except the fans as they weren't available to buy yet, So I kept refreshing and watching the clock. In between 5 second refreshes they came online. I tried putting 3 in my car and found out they only let you have 2. Change the cart and started checking out in less than a minute. By the time the charge tried to go through they had already sold out. I got a screen telling me the transaction couldn't go through because I had more in my cart than they had left.

So a piddly little hydro company ran out of new product in less than the time it takes to sell out a Rolling Stones concert, doubt it. They were stringing people along for months and they let the hype build even though they knew they didn't have anywhere near what would be needed to cover all day one sales and all wholesale orders placed with some back stock. No, they told everyone they'd be ready on a certain day and they were. Likely all 10 of them that they even had in their possession. Now the PRC wants you to give them your money to hold onto for a month until they send it do you. Maybe.

This is a PRC controlled company. They are an example of what is happening in this country. The PRC is opening up "American" businesses by buying storage facilities around the country and starting up retail websites. Take a look at Amazon lately. Nearly owned by the PRC if you take a look at more than half the junk they sell there. Take a look at the sellers info on all that junk. Most are actually PRC sellers literally running their Amazon business from China
Get ONE while they last. You aren't allowed to PREORDER more than one. If. you think it's because millions of people are growing their own all across the country and millions were sold the first day, you'd be wrong. Growing may have taken on a few more devotees due to legalization, but this junk isn't outselling baby formula these days. The reason for the debacle of a rollout is because JinPing has been deliberately shutting down labor in his country to cause problems in the rest of the world.

On the day these went on sale I logged into my ACI account and added everything I wanted except the fans as they weren't available to buy yet, So I kept refreshing and watching the clock. In between 5 second refreshes they came online. I tried putting 3 in my car and found out they only let you have 2. Change the cart and started checking out in less than a minute. By the time the charge tried to go through they had already sold out. I got a screen telling me the transaction couldn't go through because I had more in my cart than they had left.

So a piddly little hydro company ran out of new product in less than the time it takes to sell out a Rolling Stones concert, doubt it. They were stringing people along for months and they let the hype build even though they knew they didn't have anywhere near what would be needed to cover all day one sales and all wholesale orders placed with some back stock. No, they told everyone they'd be ready on a certain day and they were. Likely all 10 of them that they even had in their possession. Now the PRC wants you to give them your money to hold onto for a month until they send it do you. Maybe.

This is a PRC controlled company. They are an example of what is happening in this country. The PRC is opening up "American" businesses by buying storage facilities around the country and starting up retail websites. Take a look at Amazon lately. Nearly owned by the PRC if you take a look at more than half the junk they sell there. Take a look at the sellers info on all that junk. Most are actually PRC sellers literally running their Amazon business from China

Why are you so focused on promoting these fans? It's a 6" clip on fan. So what if it has some fancy digital display that isn't needed.
Get ONE while they last. You aren't allowed to PREORDER more than one. If. you think it's because millions of people are growing their own all across the country and millions were sold the first day, you'd be wrong. Growing may have taken on a few more devotees due to legalization, but this junk isn't outselling baby formula these days. The reason for the debacle of a rollout is because JinPing has been deliberately shutting down labor in his country to cause problems in the rest of the world.

On the day these went on sale I logged into my ACI account and added everything I wanted except the fans as they weren't available to buy yet, So I kept refreshing and watching the clock. In between 5 second refreshes they came online. I tried putting 3 in my car and found out they only let you have 2. Change the cart and started checking out in less than a minute. By the time the charge tried to go through they had already sold out. I got a screen telling me the transaction couldn't go through because I had more in my cart than they had left.

So a piddly little hydro company ran out of new product in less than the time it takes to sell out a Rolling Stones concert, doubt it. They were stringing people along for months and they let the hype build even though they knew they didn't have anywhere near what would be needed to cover all day one sales and all wholesale orders placed with some back stock. No, they told everyone they'd be ready on a certain day and they were. Likely all 10 of them that they even had in their possession. Now the PRC wants you to give them your money to hold onto for a month until they send it do you. Maybe.

This is a PRC controlled company. They are an example of what is happening in this country. The PRC is opening up "American" businesses by buying storage facilities around the country and starting up retail websites. Take a look at Amazon lately. Nearly owned by the PRC if you take a look at more than half the junk they sell there. Take a look at the sellers info on all that junk. Most are actually PRC sellers literally running their Amazon business from China

Completely agree!

Avoid supporting the chi-coms at all cost.
1 per customer I'm guessing they have a test batch to see how it goes at that ott price, 12w and $45 put me off but after noting it's a DC motor I thought well maybe that's all that's needed with DC?

Apparently they can shift up to 350 cfm so it sounds good on paper at least?

Does anyone have one, how do you rate it?
1 per customer I'm guessing they have a test batch to see how it goes at that ott price, 12w and $45 put me off but after noting it's a DC motor I thought well maybe that's all that's needed with DC?

Apparently they can shift up to 350 cfm so it sounds good on paper at least?

Does anyone have one, how do you rate it?
350 cfm? I'm sure they know what they are talking about but that's almost hard to believe
Why are you so focused on promoting these fans? It's a 6" clip on fan. So what if it has some fancy digital display that isn't needed.
I didn't read it as promotion. The first couple lines might have given that impression but try starting at the second paragraph. A little ranty but not too far off I don't think
350 cfm? I'm sure they know what they are talking about but that's almost hard to believe
Well funnily enough i seem to recall a 4" rvk fan to be around that figure that's the only thing that made me think well maybe it could be ok, but yes 350cfm does sound unlikely?

It'll be interesting to hear how they perform from another member.
Well funnily enough i seem to recall a 4" rvk fan to be around that figure that's the only thing that made me think well maybe it could be ok, but yes 350cfm does sound unlikely?

It'll be interesting to hear how they perform from another member.

I've held off for now. I figured maybe in June I'd give it a go along with the new controller. Do I need them? No. But I have the ability to buy them and try them out. I don't love to to jump through hoops and deal with 'release hour' type hype, so I can wait until it's readily available...besides without the new controller, it's just another oscillating fan.
AC Infinity fans are the loudest fans I've ever used but their quality is not bad and I've never had a fan fail both shutter fans and inline fans. I also love their controllers.
What’s up with the temp probe? I have 2 infinity fans connected to temp probes inside the tent at the same height and they are off by 4 to 5 degrees. I salon get a bit confused with the different connections that different size fans come with. I might sell all of mine and get something better . Anyone have any suggestions?
Why are you so focused on promoting these fans? It's a 6" clip on fan. So what if it has some fancy digital display that isn't needed.

Not trying to sell them so much as blast a company for a pathetic rollout. The few people that tried to buy these on opening day that got shut down in the first 60 seconds are making their opinions known I guess.

The idea of the controller and fan combo for a fair price got them on the map. Other than a circulation fan there's not much more innovation these guys can push with nothing more than controlling fans.

I admit I was on the site for launch and was going to get a few of these to try out. If they don't last they go in the garbage and never get bought again. But they're not a miracle and aren't going to make up for lack of experience.
What’s up with the temp probe? I have 2 infinity fans connected to temp probes inside the tent at the same height and they are off by 4 to 5 degrees. I salon get a bit confused with the different connections that different size fans come with. I might sell all of mine and get something better . Anyone have any suggestions?

You're saying you have two complete controllers in one tent and not getting the same readings? Not getting what your actual setup is.

Again, not trying to promote these guys, but out of 3 separate tents each with a cloud line T6 I get the same values in each tent assuming fans are running at the same speed. All within a degree and RH unit usually. Haven't calibrated any of them as they're all so close there's no point.

If you have 2 probes in the same area not reading the same you have to calibrate one to the other. Getting a third measuring device to get close to whichever one is more accurate. You can calibrate humidity with the salt method, temps don't have an accurate method other than multiple sources to get an average.
You can effectively calibrate to freezing, but you have to cover your sensors with plastic because you'll need to submerge them in an icewater bath.

But if your sensors aren't in the same part of your room/tent they'll probably read differently anyway. I have a handful of sensors in my room that have been all fairly close, but when they're put in different corners they can have up to 5f degree difference depending on which of my circulation fans are on and blowing at that given moment.
Your body temperature is pretty stable or with 1c to a healthy individual, not for exact readings but it'll let you know you're in the right ball park.
As far as probes go isn't there a +/- 1% variance on most of what's out there? Unless you're buying high grade scientific equipment none are going to read exactly the same. This stuff has lower QC standards.