AC taking too long to cycle on.

My AC unit (traditional split unit) takes too long sometimes to cycle on. The Honeywell thermostat will flash "Cool On" for 3 or 4 minutes before turning on solid and the compressor and fan actually fire up. This is a time delay to protect the compressor I believe.

This is creating large temp swings. I think the time delay is in the thermostat not the unit.

anyone know how to adjust this? a better thermostat option? or a trick to keep the extreme temps from happening?

thank you
If you cant find the setting in your tstat then you could look at getting another one. really tho all you might gain is about 2 mins. Like you said that time delay relay is supposed to be there to protect the compressor from trying to flip on/off too fast. All of them have this feature.
If it didn't have the delay it would be off and on to frequently

Using power takes more to start and stop than continuous running