Accident in 12/12 lighting!


My brother yesterday left the light on for 3 hours after it was suppose to be off. The plant is in its flowering stage by a few weeks. will this affect my plant in any way?



If you only did it once it shouldn't affect it. But if you make a habit or continue to leave the lights on then it may stress the plant and cause it to hermie and if you do it enough it will start to vegetate again.


It will not effect the plants as long as you give them 12 hours of sleep the next day and just shorten the next days on light cycle for that one day then your back on scheudle.

And make sure lights turn off at the same time as usual .

I hope that makes sense as I am stoned to the bone. But I can tell you that you will be okay if it only happens once. Key here is to make sure they get 12 hours of sleep ;)

Mr Bomb

Active Member
My brother yesterday left the light on for 3 hours after it was suppose to be off. The plant is in its flowering stage by a few weeks. will this affect my plant in any way?

This will not affect your plants as long as you make sure they get their 12 hours of darkness before your next sunrise. Then you need to decide if you want your lights to go back on immediately following your 12 hours of darkness or if you want to go back to your original time of sunrise.

If you want the lights to go back on following the 12 hours of darkness just make that your new sunrise with 12 hours later being your new sundown.

If you want to go back to your original sunrise then then let the plants get 12 hours darkness followed by 9 hours of light (since you were on an extra 3 hours) and then back to the normal 12/12 cycle you started with.

Also, get a timer. They are inexpensive, reliable and will prevent this from happening again which if allowed can cause major problems for your grow.


Active Member
This will not affect your plants as long as you make sure they get their 12 hours of darkness before your next sunrise. Then you need to decide if you want your lights to go back on immediately following your 12 hours of darkness or if you want to go back to your original time of sunrise.

If you want the lights to go back on following the 12 hours of darkness just make that your new sunrise with 12 hours later being your new sundown.

If you want to go back to your original sunrise then then let the plants get 12 hours darkness followed by 9 hours of light (since you were on an extra 3 hours) and then back to the normal 12/12 cycle you started with.

Also, get a timer. They are inexpensive, reliable and will prevent this from happening again which if allowed can cause major problems for your grow.
I agree with all of that, get a fricking timer, geeze you people are so cheap.
You will be fine, just make sure they get 12 hours of darkness, the extra light time will only give them more production time, but less dark time will make them go back to veg.


Yeah It was on a timer but he hit the switch to do something and never turned it back off. It was only 1 day was just making sure that he didnt hurt my lil girl. lol


Well-Known Member
it should b COMPLETLY dark fer the full twelve hours dood ur gunna hav seeds other wize! u wont like smokin seedsbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
this was a while ago, wat r u using, just curious and high! but soil, lights and wat nots?? Oh and r u in flowering already, or wat?


I know this topic is a bit old but jesus man, you think seeds will form if the plant doesnt get a 12/12 cycle?
I am a noob but I think if it isnt getting a constant light/dark or some sort of weird cycle can cause your plants to herm. And thus SEEDS.. a no no lol


this was a while ago, wat r u using, just curious and high! but soil, lights and wat nots?? Oh and r u in flowering already, or wat?
I have flowered a few times since this post... well 2... i use Foxfarm down the line... Fox Farm Light Warrior.. .Fox Farm Soil some blue bag cant remember name right now... FF Grow, Bloom and tiger bloom

Runnin 192W of T5 lighting.. anything else if your out there?


Active Member
I know this topic is a bit old but jesus man, you think seeds will form if the plant doesnt get a 12/12 cycle?
Oh Totally Dude. :joint:

That's how the Little Baby Jesus was born. It wasn't Immaculate Conception, Mary and Joseph just left the lights on too long.