Accident - light Felt And broke branches


Hi Guys, my autoflower Is about 2 weeks in flowering and my light accidentally felt on her, broke 2 lower branches completely with their fan leaves also, And made little vertical cut on the main stem. How big problem it is how can it affect it? I immediatly watered it with humic And fulvic acids with seaweed extract for quicker recovery. Is there anything else I can do? Will add photos of her in a while
I would be more worried about my light and making sure it’s secure first. After that any branches that are not completely broke you can reposition and tape the break up, it may heal itself depending on how long it sat broken first. Try to support any damaged branches in their previous position. Masking tape, duct tape or electrical tape will all work. Good Luck, remember it’s just a plant, while it sucks you can grow another.
She looks good, maybe add a support bamboo to take the weight off the snap and like "Hook Daddy" said bandage her up for a week and see how the wound is healing if not 100% leave it on for another week. I would be tempted to put some honey on the wound to minimise infection before bandaging her up.

Happened to me a year or two ago when one of my pullies snapped and i thought that was the end of her but in all fairness she made it... I find cannabis plants to be quite robust than people think.
hope that helps and good luck!!
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At two weeks?
Time will tell I guess
Yeah in my current journal I tied up a fan insufficiently. It fell and topped a plant and then some. No seeds and it was just a pollen chuck from Bros. Grimm, nothing they'd worked so I was watching and nothing. Harvested and zero seeds.

Here's the accident. I just stood there laughing
Here's the damage.
Hi Guys, my autoflower Is about 2 weeks in flowering and my light accidentally felt on her, broke 2 lower branches completely with their fan leaves also, And made little vertical cut on the main stem. How big problem it is how can it affect it? I immediatly watered it with humic And fulvic acids with seaweed extract for quicker recovery. Is there anything else I can do? Will add photos of her in a while
Ah yes, the old light falling lol.