accidentally started to re-veg 4 weeks into flower...


Well-Known Member
i noticed alot of the new growth on my plants was looking very strange, waxy leaves, single or triple blades only and a halt to flowering. i thought it was just a couple of weird phenos but after checking the timer on my light i must have knocked it when i put up a new tent a couple of weeks ago because the light has been on for 30 minutes during the dark period. i think this has proabably been happening for about 2 weeks. so theyve all gone or started going back into veg.


is all lost? or if i resume 12/12 now will they just start flowering from scratch or am i pretty much guaranteed hermies?

anyone with any prior experience with this would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I can not start to tell you how many times I have screwed up the timers on 12/12. ALL is not lost just go 12/12 and she will be fine. If you are scared you can shut the lights down for 24hrs then go 12/12


Well-Known Member
I can not start to tell you how many times I have screwed up the timers on 12/12. ALL is not lost just go 12/12 and she will be fine. If you are scared you can shut the lights down for 24hrs then go 12/12
thanks man that makes me feel better


Well-Known Member
and the best part of this, is this:

alot of 'pro' growers will do that deliberately, to eliminate hermies from the batch.
they even have a name for it, its called The Light Poisoning Process.
If no hermies grew balls by now, then you should be good to go.
the downside to it, is you lost a little time to harvest... but at least you know you wont have any gender-benders in there ;)


Ya i know this thread is over a year old, but i just fucked up the exact same way and was wondering, if when u turn the timers back to 12/12 after the accidental reveg do i have to wait another 8 weeks, or the remaining 3-4 that i would of had to if i didnt fuck up. any help would be greatly apprichiated, thanks
Ya i know this thread is over a year old, but i just fucked up the exact same way and was wondering, if when u turn the timers back to 12/12 after the accidental reveg do i have to wait another 8 weeks, or the remaining 3-4 that i would of had to if i didnt fuck up. any help would be greatly apprichiated, thanks
Chill, They should be okay. Do 24 hours of complete darkness, then 12/12 lights. However, you must now check DAILY for male pods, (nanners) because of the stress put on the plant with the reveg period might cause hermaphrodites. It seems with indoor grows, any stress does it. No fertilizer while flowering. I do a tabelspoon of molasses per 2 gallons of water and it seems to fatten up the buds and feed the plants. The sugar does something with microorganisms.
Mine are outside but have been stressed with 105 degree temps. A couple went hermi, which produced feminzed seeds. They were far enough away to only pollinate 2 rather pitiful plants.


Chill, They should be okay. Do 24 hours of complete darkness, then 12/12 lights. However, you must now check DAILY for male pods, (nanners) because of the stress put on the plant with the reveg period might cause hermaphrodites. It seems with indoor grows, any stress does it. No fertilizer while flowering. I do a tabelspoon of molasses per 2 gallons of water and it seems to fatten up the buds and feed the plants. The sugar does something with microorganisms.
Mine are outside but have been stressed with 105 degree temps. A couple went hermi, which produced feminzed seeds. They were far enough away to only pollinate 2 rather pitiful plants.

How long does it take to get them to finish flowering then do you think? I am in the same situation!