Ace Malawi and latitude

Freedom seed

Well-Known Member
I tried this in the seed section but no response. Has anyone at a similar latitude tried this?

Help me out here if someone has grown both or either at a similar latitude. Ace’s site says these plants are good up to 43 latitude, ripening end of October, beginning of November. I get the fall weather to do this. Panama is recommended to 45 latitude. I’m at 42 latitude.

1. Get the Malawi

2. Get the F1’s because of vigour, height, yield? Malawi x Panama.

3. Does the opposite cross have any qualities that may make it a better choice? Panama x Malawi.

4. Get neither, finishing times underestimated.
Sativas are a bitch up north. I do my tropical sativas in light dep or indoors. They are easily twice as big buds and killer nose. Full term less nose, looser larfier buds and no hard finish if they get to finish fully before the rains come.
Im around 42 north. I start depping after 4th of july and they are done middle of September. I think they need the little bit more blue green light summer and early fall has to mimic tropical light spectrum.
I agree 100% about the change in light intensity, and was considering a light dep. Most of my crop goes to meds/oil anyways and I need looser buds with the humidity. I definitely do understand the quality difference with the extra light.

I’ve had lots of sativas that were left out into November around here and I can’t call them weak by any means. The rains don’t set in around here, not like the coast. I get sunny weather in November.

I emailed Ace about this too and never got a response. They do advertise this as suitable to 43 latitude, but with a Mediterranean style climate, warm fall.
I grew a Swazi last year at Lat45 but Swazi come from the mountains of Swaziland and it gets cold at night up there.


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I was actually thinking about that earlier. Lake Malawi is at 12S and 1535 feet of elevation at the surface with higher elevations surrounding it. Ace claims cold tolerance and 10-13 weeks flowering. Ace breeds it in Spain at 37N.
I believe it. Most landraces tolerate the cold very well. I harvested mine after a second snowfall and several freezing nights. Fan leaves took a beating but the buds were beautiful.
That Swazi is standing proud near the finish. That’s what I like, plants that hold themselves up and don’t need a cover. Now that I can have legal yard ornaments I want to play around a bit. See what is really possible.
I'm at 43° N in the midwest. To be honest even some indica/sativa hybrids have a hard time finishing up. I tried growing zamaldelica and it never started blooming until September and was picked early in November well before she had time to finish. Mold from my wet humid fall didn't help either. The smoke ended up being ok daytime smoke but it could have been much better.
Zamaldelica is recommended to 43 latitude, 11-14 weeks, 3rd week October/November.

I appreciate the input. I’m in Ontario in an area where fruit/tomatoes/veg is farmed commercially. The lakes keep our fall nice on most years. Sorry to hear about the mold. I had very minimal losses last year, others I heard had lots. Cold, wet, year though.
My Swazi didn't start flowering until the 3rd week of August. I was starting to panic, but she pulled through. Could have been much better because it was a cold summer and fall. I'm hoping for a warmer season just for that. lol